Sporting Digest: Equestrianism00:02
Socialists who would valiant be00:02
He had the whole world in his clock hands00:02
'May God forgive them, because we can't': The aftermath of the Warrington bombs: Malcolm Pithers, Ian Mackinnon and David McKittrick report00:02
No longer a hero, but the people's choice still: Boris Yeltsin has won unwinnable battles before, says Steve Crawshaw00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Whitehall revealed as certifiably undemocratic: Betrayed - David Leigh: Bloomsbury, pounds 6.99; Trading with the enemy - John Sweeney: Pan, pounds 5.9900:02
Sporting Digest: Skiing00:02
The Best of Times: In endless waters from the Liffey to the Hellespont: Charles Sprawson talks to Danny Danziger00:02
ANC and Inkatha call for free and fair polls: Party faithful rally to hear leaders urge tolerance00:02
Smaller Companies: Contracts confirm recovery at Sutcliffe Speakman00:02
Threat of trade war recedes: Kantor raises hopes for American agreement with EC on utilities and public procurement contracts00:02
Letter: Religion's role in science00:02
Sporting Digest: Rugby Union00:02
Racing: National ban for Byrne00:02
Princess grace stamps00:02
Next stop the stock market for Stagecoach: Brother and sister take the high road to the City with pounds 100M flotation of bus company with railway ambitions00:02
Rugby Union: Prospective English Lions at bay: Elwood stakes claim for summer tour00:02
Lessons of History: An illusion of railway grandeur: The GWR's profits rested on monopoly and shabby service, writes Christian Wolmar00:02
Concern grows in Ulster as divisions continue: Community leaders see little ground for hope as religious segregation deepens00:02
America finds its sex again: A new survey shows the aids brake is off, says David Usborne00:02
Out of Korea: Forbidden fruit in austere times00:02
The Daily Poem: DH Lawrence's First Lesson: The Apple00:02
TELEVISION / Right of reply: Carla Lane answers negative criticism of her new sitcom, Luv (Tuesdays 8pm BBC1)00:02
Letter: Budget that achieves the worst of two worlds00:02
Letter: Helping employers to help the jobless00:02
Leading Article: Victory for an uneasy alliance00:02
Rugby League: Highfield higher on hope: Johnson's arrival breathes life into stragglers00:02
Aircraft crash00:02
Branson seeks BA slots on San Francisco route: Virgin boss demands Department of Trade and Industry investigation into rival00:02
Football: Clough penalty ensures parity for Forest fighters: Leeds still searching for away win as route-one game arrives at the City Ground00:02
Israel boosts police numbers as violence mounts00:02
Serbs call for a united state: Morillon backs aid deal00:02
MUSIC / Never mind the quality, feel the diversity: The Silent Twenties? Robert Maycock on setting Blackmail to music00:02
Overseas Football: Blinker takes Feyenoord top00:02
Rugby Union / Five Nations' Championship: Berbizier and Benetton rebuff French style counsellors: France drive to title00:02
Zombie saw red00:02
The World This Week00:02
Sporting Digest: Motor Racing00:02
Sporting Digest: Ice Hockey00:02
Letter: Fifes, drums and bugles fight on00:02
Chop suey with chips and a date with Cilla00:02
Letter: School tests under the microscope00:02
Software coup for Abbott: Sales potential for in-house program00:02
Kidnappers leave embassy00:02
Letter: School tests under the microscope00:02
Rowing: Day for Light Blue celebration as Cambridge sweep Henley Boat Races00:02
Letter: School tests under the microscope00:02
Army has key to Yeltsin's future: Supreme Soviet takes first step towards impeaching Russian president00:02
Scot takes first step on road to sainthood at Rome ceremony00:02
Escobar prepares his last stand as the noose tightens: Phil Davison in Medellin follows the trail of the world's most wanted man00:02
Unfinished business00:02
Molecule of the Month: Explosive stuff of life: John Emsley profiles a chemical that can feed - or kill00:02
Taylor says judges face sentencing 'strait-jacket': Fears that law is out of touch with public opinion00:02
Queen of recycling who converts rags to riches: Janette Swift tells Rose Rouse how glamour and green ideas can be combined00:02
Forgive and forget in El Salvador00:02
Obituary: Professor Bill Price00:02
Four more leave cult compound00:02
No more a-roving00:02
Coales' Notes: Working out in the open: Gordon Coales arrives for the first day of work at Ars Longa and discovers a fear of open spaces00:02
Sporting Digest: Rugby League00:02
Peter Pringle's America: Straining at a gnatcatcher00:02
Chess: Prodigal grandmaster improves by miles00:02
Rugby Union: Scots' generosity reaches Aberdeen00:02
Lessons of History: An illusion of railway grandeur: The GWR's profits rested on monopoly and shabby service, writes Christian Wolmar00:02
Letter: Budget that achieves the worst of two worlds00:02
Sporting Digest: Squash00:02
Commodities: Markets blow the kiwi a raspberry00:02
Nice's mayor reappears00:02
Cricket: No end to England travels and travails: Tour ends with more humiliation00:02
Sporting Digest: Sailing00:02
Athletics: Elections bring new direction00:02
Obituary: Jimmy Wright00:02
Straw accuses Labour of timidity over Clause IV: Shadow cabinet member says party must establish a new ideology00:02
Sporting Digest: Badminton00:02
Magistrates quit over means-related fines00:02
Letter: Religion's role in science00:02
Column One: Ferry man flies in00:02
Sporting Digest: Rowing00:02
Sporting Digest: Cricket00:02
Coup alarm sounds in weakened Italy: President Scalfaro cancels foreign visits as fears of a take-over grow00:02
Sporting Digest: Basketball00:02
Law Report: Case Summaries00:02
Sporting Digest: Golf00:02
Letter: Welcome changes00:02
Egyptian antagonists square up: Robert Fisk sees fury in Haekestap as 'extremists' go on trial00:02
Bafta triumph for Emma Thompson: Actress honoured for 'Howard's End' role. David Lister reports00:02
Out of Korea: Forbidden fruit in austere times00:02
Death sentence for 11 in Algeria00:02
Missing at sea00:02
Overseas Football: Parma end Milan's run00:02
Retreat over cut in medical student intake: Government is told plan would threaten research00:02
Science: Wait while I ask my notebook: Artificial intelligence has arrived, says Alec Goulden00:02
Fears grow of pounds 10m cost over-run at Spring Ram: Commissioning problems emerge at new door-making factory00:02
Science: Beer? It's simply not British]: The ancient Sumerians were probably the first brewers in the world, reports John Nicholson00:02
Keeping in touch with the new rules at Twickers00:02
Leading Article: Yeltsin stakes everything for Russia's survival00:02
Mansell changes gear and keeps winning00:02
Police sergeant murdered by gang: Officer's bravery praised00:02
Thou shalt not kill; but I may kill you00:02
Turkish Kurds honour truce: New Year brings peace00:02
Letter: School tests under the microscope00:02
Birmingham offers a modern definition of social injustice: Rosie Waterhouse reports on progress in the search for a 'new Beveridge'00:02
Obituary: Monique Agazarian00:02
Sporting Digest: Boxing00:02
Golf: Gilford gives his Cup chances extra lift: Birdie putt captures Portuguese Open in play-off00:02
Regional power firms ready to strike coal deal: Breakthrough in talks raises hopes for threatened pits00:02
Vocal heroes: Going out on a natural high: 'High and sweet and strong'. Tess Knighton on what England expects of her cathedral choirboys00:02
Sporting Digest: Tennis00:02
Ewes 'fooled' into acting as mothers: Solution for orphaned lambs00:02
Obituary: Sir Michael Eastham00:02
Vocal heroes: Going out on a natural high: 'High and sweet and strong'. Tess Knighton on what England expects of her cathedral choirboys00:02
Sporting Digest: Hockey00:02
Danes slip away from Maastricht00:02
Building a bigger Crechendo: Franchising could be the answer to the playschool firm's growth problem. Paul Durman reports00:02
Schools: Worth School00:02
Parents tell of IRA victim's injuries: Clarke dismisses claims of bomb warnings as lies00:02
Sporting Digest: Football00:02
Tennis: Sampras puts Washington in his place: World No 2 wins Lipton Championship00:02
Molecule of the Month: Explosive stuff of life: John Emsley profiles a chemical that can feed - or kill00:02
Leading Article: History as seen from Tokyo00:02
Motor Racing: Mansell the rookie takes IndyCars by storm: Briton overcomes adversity and inexperience to triumph in Australia00:02
Sporting Digest: Cycling00:02
Cricket: Operation for Lawrence00:02
Football: Roxburgh to rethink00:02
New pounds 600m Ofgas row: Pipeline report shocks British Gas00:02
Peace talks resume in Somalia00:02
Sporting Digest: Volleyball00:02
Hockey / HA Cup: Hounslow make it three00:02
Reynolds to rescue GPA restructuring with pounds 15m: Government steps in to assist dollars 5.5BN debt refinancing00:02
Racing: Fall and rise of Norman Williamson00:02
Obituary: Louis Zinkin00:02
'Raver' still ill00:02
Strange but False: Revealed: the awful untruth00:02
More children 'live in poverty'00:02
Court Circular00:02
'Beautiful people' revel in a season of hard work: David Lister reports on the theatrical life in Stratford-upon-Avon where body and soul are severely tested00:02
Rugby Union / Five Nations' Championship: Ireland create their own perfect chaos: Elwood excels as England are Engulfed00:02
Rugby League: Leigh are denied by Hulme00:02
TELEVISION / 'Allo, 'allo. What's all this, then?: Andy Gill suffers a Year in Provence and Great Bores of Today00:02
Business and City Summary00:02
Racing: Waiting tactics for the Flat approach: The return of Zafonic is the first focus as backers look beyond the Lincoln meeting00:02
French conservatives triumph: Ecologists flop in first round of voting for assembly00:02
Racing: Applejack put down00:02
Letter: Welcome changes00:02
Racing: For the Notebook00:02
Attack on Belfast city centre foiled