Arts: Cries & Whispers in America00:02
Boxing: 'The risk we take is the price we have to pay and we budget for it': Harry Mullan, our boxing correspondent, says that calls for the sport's abolition ignore a basic and often noble instinct00:02
Long runners: No 29: Brookside00:02
Bossi under fire00:02
John Major's battle on the playing fields of Britain00:02
Rear Window: Smashing the atom: The first 'big physicists' did it in a tea chest00:02
Squash: England title defences on course00:02
Rugby Union: Sale's final edge00:02
Nuclear weapon gold used in rings00:02
Letter: Little 'own' about 'own-brand'00:02
Ice hockey: No disgrace in British defeat00:02
Football round-up: Dark clouds gather over Everton00:02
Count chaos delays ANC's triumph00:02
CLASSICAL MUSIC / Progress, after a fashion00:02
Cricket: Hick stalls in top gear00:02
Travel: Echoes of the Age of Innocence: Rhoda Koenig discovers the grand mansions of the Hudson River valley, built as havens for 19th-century New Yorkers00:02
Staff scramble to get pay linked to profits00:02
Banks push graduate perks00:02
Show People: Lord Reith in drainpipes: Jools Holland00:02
Quotes of the week00:02
TV producer angers police over lost Ben00:02
Mediators in noise disputes refused extra cash00:02
INTERVIEW / King rabbit in retirement: After 40 years of bunny-love, Hugh Hefner, founder of the Playboy Organisation, has folded up his silk pyjamas to devote himself to his family. Yet he remains proud of his noble calling00:02
How we met: Sheila Mitchell and H R F Keating00:02
Lasmo plans defence00:02
Bottomley bars NHS boss seeing Blunkett00:02
Boxing: When tragedy haunts a desperate obsesssion: Richard Williams visits the scene where young Bradley Stone suffered the fatal blows Bradley Stone00:02
Golf: Woosnam storms into the lead00:02
Database: How prize money at Wimbledon has grown00:02
Rugby round-up: Irish take a walk00:02
Non-execs fail to learn all the facts of company life00:02
Virgin on success00:02
Shell in dollars 10bn oil project: Russian deal close to green light00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The long hard road of an easy rider: Jack's life: A Biography of Jack Nicholson - by Patrick McGilligan, Hutchinson pounds 18.9900:02
Letter: Will the Russians be coming?00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The importance of elsewhere: One art: The Selected Letters of Elizabeth Bishop ed Robert Giroux, Chatto pounds 2000:02
Profile: Benign dictator of Bath: Jack Rowell: Chris Rea studies the methods and achievements of a coach called to serve his country00:02
Tennis: Graf keeps Novotna in check00:02
Daily bread: Mary Evans Young: What the director of diet breakers ate one day last week00:02
Letter: Africa's problems began with colonialism00:02
Racing: Baileys strikes blow for North00:02
Rituals in cases of sex abuse of children were 'not satanic'00:02
Here is the desktop news: ITN's venture with IBM lets computer users access television reports when and how they want00:02
Books: Eye of the beholder: Why isn't naive art - on the canvas or the page - a fashionable genre for criticism? The answer may lie in our over-educated gaze, our unwillingness to surrender to nature00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Above politics, beyond the pale: Genet: A Biography of Janet Flanner by Brenda Wineapple - Pandora/HarperCollins pounds 9.9900:02
Do I not like that . . .: Farewell to a myth: Richard Lander, a Manchester United fan, believes the laments for the passing of the Kop are unjustified00:02
Fast food's chain reaction: Soon there will be instant eating outlets almost everywhere we turn. Richard Thomson charts the course of an imported industry that has yet to reach its potential00:02
Books: In Brief00:02
Big Mac to join strawberry set00:02
Football: The departing of Liverpool's red sea: Jon Culley sees an emotional Anfield pay its last respects to the Kop00:02
Cycling: Tanner takes over at the top00:02
Eurotunnel capacity challenged00:02
Success of the portable phone sets up a hot line for thieves00:02
Books: In the frame: The holy grail00:02
Smart moves when a road draws near: Compensation can help if planners run over your dream home00:02
Football: Clarke spurs on the Dons00:02
'We're terribly lucky to have such a great man'00:02
Painting recovered00:02
RADIO / From French to Greek, via Waterloo00:02
Political Commentary: Safer to moan about Eurocrats than tell the truth00:02
Real Life: Why women still tear their hair out: Hairy shouldn't mean horrible - so Sue Webster has thrown away her razor00:02
Dustcart fiasco hits Downing St00:02
Food & Drink: On the shelf: Chinese five spice powder00:02
Cricket round-up: Crawley looks to play the right role00:02
Berlusconi's borrowed strip: Thatcher's words, A C Milan's triumphs . . . who needs policies?00:02
BR charter for confusion00:02
Athletics: Four-minute wonder: Norman Fox recalls the athletics memory that stands out a mile00:02
Cricket: Russell revives Gloucester00:02
Rugby League Cup final: Offiah lights Wigan's fire: Flying winger soars past Leeds to deliver his side's seventh successive Wembley triumph00:02
What the papers said about . . . Bradley Stone00:02
Billions at stake in fighter scramble: When the troubled Eurofighter takes off in air trials this week, there may be 40,000 UK jobs riding with it. David Bowen makes a pre-flight check00:02
Q & A: Sharp practice aids Liverpool00:02
Paying the high price for being in fashion00:02
Letter: Squatting law solves nothing00:02
Rebel market still likely: Stock Exchange struggles to prevent rival listing for small companies00:02
UK Jews fight dwindling faith00:02
Greek terrorists targeted by West00:02
The Independent Business on Sunday's 100: Elonex surges to top again: Roger Trapp looks at achievers in the Middle Market section of our league of fastest-growing companies00:02
TELEVISION / Making the easy look hard00:02
Inside Story: Abuses of memory: What adults remember is taking over the child abuse debate. Rosie Waterhouse and Sarah Strickland report00:02
Harley Street: a suitable case for lament00:02
Dust specs to cut hay fever00:02
Flat Earth00:02
Cricket: Busy Illy keeps watching brief: Simon O'Hagan looks for clues as he follows the trail of Dexter's successor00:02
How much does he earn?: No 27: Michael Terence Aspel00:02
Letter: Will the Russians be coming?00:02
Flotation fever seizes Norwich00:02
Les, Jim and Alan fight a contest in May (As does UA, who may have the final say)00:02
Football: Allen disarms the Gunners: Norman Fox sees Arsenal's plans for Europe disrupted by a 2-0 home defeat00:02
A silent Prince keeps visit symbolic00:02
Profile: Foot soldier on a straight line: Liam Strong: Reorganisation is proceeding with military precision at Sears. William Kay on the man in charge00:02
Letter: Satanic abuse is all too true00:02
Leading Article: The cross we must repair00:02
Rugby Union: Scottish survive00:02
Arena: Elegant stage for high drama: Stephen Brenkley samples the atmosphere of world snooker's symbolic amphitheatre00:02
Books: In the lists00:02
Cricket: Suitable case for Such00:02
Snooker: Hendry armed for final fight00:02
Cricket: Twose in company00:02
York on ads: No 26: Speed kills00:02
Rich source of working skills comes of age00:02
City File: Body Shop needs balm00:02
Rio promises ring hollow in isles of despair00:02
Three die as fire sweeps Ulster barracks00:02
Fashion: The girl in the white suit00:02
Letter: Better to prevent than to cure00:02
Letter: TECs means to match local needs00:02
EXHIBITIONS / By the people, for the people: The South London Art Gallery was founded by the Victorians for the working classes. So what was thought suitable for poor men's eyes?00:02
Do not adjust our football fixture list00:02
Letter: Councillors who do live there00:02
Bitter anniversary for print pickets: The 'dignity of labour' holiday rings hollow in Bristol, reports Barrie Clement00:02
CLASSICAL MUSIC / Oh I do like to be . . . inland: A small seaside orchestra is about to hit the big time. Michael White approves00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Brits in palace coo: A valley in Italy by Lisa St Aubin de Teran - Hamish Hamilton pounds 15.9900:02
Health: Women and affairs of the heart: Heart disease is now the major cause of death in British women, yet until recently doctors saw it as as largely a male problem. Victoria McKee reports on new research00:02
West snubs UN plea for action00:02
Tried & Tested: A cut above the rest: Yes, it's that time of year once more. Our panel of experts tries out different lawn mowers in search of that perfect patch of green00:02
Property: If you could live anywhere00:02
First Hand: My life as an old Harrodian: As Harrods' MD departs, bond dealer Nicholas Rigby recalls his own days on the shop floor00:02
Health: Second Opinion00:02
Men mad with killing drown nation in blood: Aid organisations speak of genocide in Rwanda00:02
'Bank for poor' under attack00:02
Free at last00:02
Captain Moonlight00:02
Rugby League Cup Final: Fifteen seconds of fame: Richard Williams sees a Leeds youngster add a footnote to his own day in history00:02
Opinions: Do you ever cheat?00:02
UN stalls as 500,000 flee Rwanda terror00:02
Nature takes its revenge: David Nicholson-Lord argues that Lloyd's investors should learn that it pays to be green00:02
Policies with life-threatening cover00:02
Ireland wins00:02
DANCE / It's not a knockout00:02
Travel: Legs Florentine: Walkers won't tire of Florence, where inspiring countryside and Renaissance architecture are only a stroll apart00:02
Christopher in Syria00:02
Fashion victims00:02
CINEMA / The reverend Bertolucci00:02
On excellence: Dropping old anchors00:02
RECORDS / New releases00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The holiday snaps back: Foreign parts by Janice Galloway, Cape pounds 14.9900:02
Design dinosaurs: 14: The Spudmatic00:02
ROCK / Blurry shades of Sgt Pepper00:02
Russia and Latvia sign pullout pact00:02
The list00:02
Fast plants: A guide for impatient gardeners: 4: Welcome invaders00:02
Fast routes into the European data mountain00:02
Motor Racing: Austrian killed in 190mph crash: San Marino Grand Prix: Death of newcomer to Formula One provokes fresh debate about safety on the track00:02
Soccer raids00:02
A Critical Guide: Going Out: Breaking with Cosi convention00:02
Racism tests the tolerance of the Dutch: Far right to make more gains this week00:02
Letter: Weary times for nurses00:02
Sailing: Cloud hanging over Field00:02
Football: Royle on the rack00:02
Useful notes for whistle-blowers00:02
Angst: Expert advice on your problems00:02
As others see us00:02
Inflation phantom haunts the Fed00:02
An eye on growing crime00:02
Life in the 'get rich fast' lane: Network marketers are pushing an insurance scheme to lure prospective sales staff00:02
A caste of 130 million gets ready to fight for equality00:02
THEATRE / Golden Gate does it again00:02
Letter: Old dungeons and dragons00:02
BAT heading for twin-track future00:02
Back to Maastricht with a vengeance: Just when you thought it safe to go back in the water . . .00:02
Ten million households 'face higher gas bills'00:02
Tory party could lose 400 seats: 'Flagships' at risk - Cabinet split on Europe00:02
Boers go down with the old flag flying: The new South Africa is being born at the polls, but the apartheid republic dies hard in Afrikaner heartlands00:02
The Broader Picture: Straw men of the border wars00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Paranormal bones to pick: A second life by Dermot Bolger, Viking pounds 1500:02
Boxing: Fight fixing and sabotage alleged00:02
Letter: Pay of NatWest chiefs00:02
Long haul to success: A new study warns that stock markets are becoming more volatile00:02
Goldman sued00:02
Eagle enters court fight with Swiss Bank00:02
Sweatshop Britain is booming00:02
Burst of merger activity ahead00:02
Investors advised to curb ardour over South Africa00:02
Voting for an island state (CORRECTED)00:02
My biggest mistake00:02
Best and worst00:02
Fishing Lines: We can see for marls and marls00:02
Tale of the love that dare not board its plane00:02
Corporal punishment: Where to send your children to school if you want them beaten00:02
Public Services Management: Laws lack clout on clubs: Westminster council hopes a private bill may help its struggle against the sex dens of Soho00:02
Football: Blake's escape clause00:02
Letter: Used as studs00:02
Football: Ragged Rangers00:02
Football: Saintly Le Tissier00:02
Empty seas lash Newfoundland: Cod 'pirates' and factory ships have robbed a Canadian community of its centuries-old way of life00:02
New rules fight money laundering00:02
Letter: Banning explicit sex guides00:02
Letter: Sewers policy defies logic00:02
Cricket: Simmons shines00:02
Eating Out: A jewel in middle England00:02
Inside Story: Resurrection in the air: German reunification unearthed the dirty secret of the toxic swamp known as Bitterfeld. John Eisenhammer goes back four years later to find a miracle in the east00:02
Rugby Union: Dunvant joy00:02
Hockey: Staffordshire in bullish mood00:02
Sssh, Major's just tiptoed into town00:02
Soho theme park00:02
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party: Fewer and fewer people want to be local council candidates says Simon Midgley00:02
Letter: Happy family00:02
The agreeable world of Wallace Arnold: How six of the best helped form my character00:02
Profile: What makes him great: Neal Ascherson on the qualities that make a liberator: honesty, stoicism and perfect timing00:02
Wake up] Wake up] Wake up] It's time to go back to sleep again00:02
Glasgow drug toll reaches 3000:02
Football: Walker trips up00:02
Books: The Independent on Sunday bestseller list00:02
Personal Finance: Valuations for lenders00:02
Economics: Investment vital to sustain revival00:02
Oil firms in firing line: Enterprise bid for Lasmo is likely to spur more merger moves00:02
Home thoughts00:02
Search abandoned00:02
Morrison choice00:02
Leading Article: TV should show it, blow by blow00:02
Motoring: Auto Biography: The Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet in 0-60 seconds00:02
UK troops fired on00:02
Sport on TV: Hothouse flowers no match for man of Seoul00:02
Today's papers