Football: Venables lauds front-line pairing00:02
Obituary: Michael Powers00:02
Letter: Class size is a vexed question worldwide00:02
Palestinians cower before Arafat's new 'security' chief: Jibril Rajoub was a West Bank hero. Now he terrifies his fellow citizens, reports Sarah Helm from Jericho00:02
POP MUSIC / The week's new albums00:02
Treason trial of Kurdish MPs stirs hatred00:02
Racing: Ascot drunk is banned00:02
Midlands Electricity plans to cut 1,200 jobs00:02
Business and City in Brief00:02
Basketball: Austin sinks Weert: Tigers' tilt endangered00:02
Letter: Major's insensitivity to Unionists00:02
The things Conservative prime ministers say about Europe00:02
The importance of being a play with a really good title00:02
Split on how to stop nuclear smugglers00:02
Newsbrief: DLR to begin late-night services00:02
Pergau Dam Affair: 'Sweeteners' row sparked trade ban: 'Sunday Times' story linking Malaysia's prime minister with bribery claims proved the final straw: Rhys Williams recalls the events that led to the trade embargo on British companies00:02
Major's hoarse bellow from the island00:02
Leading Article: Trade but no honour salvaged from Pergau00:02
Pergau Dam Affair: Industrialists say embargo had little impact: Analysts warn boom in orders is unlikely as construction firms eye lucrative airport contracts. Mary Fagan reports00:02
Schools: St John's School, Leatherhead00:02
Moscow explosion00:02
Christopher gives warning to Haiti military leaders00:02
Rugby League: Bradford struggle to victory00:02
The British Association for the Advancement of Science: BO alerts electronic sniffer00:02
Mayhew addresses Orange Lodge: Minister takes his mission to reassure to Unionist heartland. David McKittrick and Patricia Wynn Davies report00:02
Berets on the streets of Belfast00:02
The British Association for the Advancement of Science: First photographs of 'impossible' crystal00:02
Football: Craig laments Finnish setback: England and Scotland youngsters fail to live up to expectations00:02
Letter: Ireland's famine was due to natural causes00:02
White House backs Reynolds over ceasefire: Alan Murdoch sees the White House put pressure on London to maintain the momentum of the peace process00:02
'Hunky' Prince is exposed to public gaze00:02
Tirana imprisons five ethnic Greek activists00:02
Football: Fowler takes blame for flop: England and Scotland youngsters fail to live up to expectations00:02
Here's looking at you, Gamall00:02
ICRC calls for action to prevent more ethnic cleansing in Bosnia00:02
Newsbrief: Four in court on sexual offences charges00:02
Computer message records death of a victim00:02
Spider shows its lines00:02
Malaysia lifts UK trade ban00:02
Pergau Dam Affair: Industrialists say embargo had little impact: Analysts warn boom in orders is unlikely as construction firms eye lucrative airport contracts. Mary Fagan reports00:02
Agents portrayed Hitler as gay Jewish eunuch: Secret files show Special Operations distributed crude propaganda in Morocco. Stephen Ward reports00:02
Dormice stand in way of road00:02
Procter chief takes bonus cut: Heavy losses in derivatives trading take toll at household products group00:02
Killing them with kindness00:02
Japan faces tricky hurdle in Asian games00:02
Racing / Doncaster St Leger Meeting: Trigger on hold for the final Classic: Northern hope misses a gallop, favourite's trainer waits for rain00:02
Letter: Councils' historic and cultural value can't be ignored00:02
Today's Number: 1700:02
Renault eases out clutch00:02
TUC: Ministers 'lied over shipyard'00:02
Tajikistan postpones poll00:02
Bosnians blame UN for Pope crying off00:02
New Hilton hotel to crown pounds 17m Belfast development00:02
Hooked up to a gift horse, or a Trojan?: Is free cable TV an offer our schools should refuse? Look what happened in America, says Charles Glass00:02
Poll reveals distrust of ceasefire00:02
Coopers settles out of court with TGI for pounds 725,000 over subsidiary00:02
Britons cling to urban life00:02
TUC: Brown pressed to set level of minimum wage00:02
Football: Barnes displays the extent of his repertoire in difficult role00:02
Sporting Digest: Rugby League00:02
Law Report: Ship arrested to secure claim: The Anna H - Court of Appeal (Lord Justice Glidewell, Lord Justice Hoffmann and Lord Justice Hobhouse), 27 July 1994.00:02
Rolls and Siemens fly high at air show00:02
If you're a soul in torment, don't give up the ghost yet: Jane Cameron meets a self-styled therapist from Harpenden who offers free solace to lost spirits00:02
Obituary: Nicky Hopkins00:02
Ambition for Thames 'linear city' cools00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Escape to Buenos Aires, with no tanks: Transatlantyk - Witold Gombrowicz: Yale, pounds 15.9500:02
Athletics: Jackson stays on target: Welshman steps up pace00:02
Letter: Councils' historic and cultural value can't be ignored00:02
Cuban negotiator flies home to consult Castro00:02
Sporting Digest: Football00:02
The Daily Poem: Keep Out of Prison00:02
Letter: Liberian peace process grounded00:02
Motor Racing: Benetton escape penalty after 'confusion' over refuelling: FIA world council decides the championship leaders and McLaren-Peugeot merely made mistakes and did not cheat00:02
Letter: Toast to waffle00:02
Russian and United States soldiers drill for peace00:02
Obituary: Duccio Tessari00:02
O J witness jailed00:02
Finn anti-EU vote grows00:02
Cargo Club converts Kellogg's but not Sony00:02
Motor Racing: Katayam signs for Tyrrell-Yamaha00:02
Young players build upon 25-0 defeat00:02
TELEVISION / Where there's muck, there's class (and vice versa)00:02
Newsbrief: Health watchdogs 'ignore ethnic minorities'00:02
TUC: Congress lauds strikers as rail dispute deepens: Delegates call for mass rally to demonstrate support for signal workers00:02
Why the untouchable lion could be let out of his cage: John Carlin in Johannesburg reviews the career of the SA policeman accused of engineering black-on-black terror00:02
Mini revival00:02
New French business corruption scandal00:02
Bats disaster00:02
Pension boost and cash payment for former Ocean chief00:02
Sporting Digest: Snooker00:02
Rugby Union: Mains confident of keeping his job: All Blacks crisis00:02
Footabll: Aldridge on a roll in Riga00:02
Sporting Digest: Basketball00:02
Triumph of the new lad: Stylish? Clever? Sophisticated? Don't be silly: the men's magazine of the moment is about football, booze and babes. And it's laughing all the way to the bank. Helen Birch reports00:02
Football: Giggs relieves the tension00:02
POP MUSIC / So phwaah, so good: It's hip-hop, but you're not supposed to dance to it. Phil Johnson met the men who make the paradoxical sound of Massive Attack00:02
The British Association for the Advancement of Science: Crime writer's line on science: TOM WILKIE and SUSAN WATTS in Loughborough00:02
Playing for his lunch00:02
Letter: Class size is a vexed question worldwide00:02
Something Else00:02
THEATRE / David Benedict on theatre00:02
Greenhouse alert00:02
And what's more . . .00:02
Wilson falls on margin fears00:02
The British Association for the Advancement of Science: CFC black market threatening ozone layer00:02
Overseas Football: Lineker strikes again in vain00:02
View from City Road: Big prizes for race sponsors00:02
Sporting Digest: Golf00:02
Jail drugs treatment programme praised for helping addicts00:02
Racing: Hyperion's TV Tips00:02
View from City Road: Finding a way into commodities00:02
Vauxhall sales down00:02
CENTREFOLD / Beautiful South: Film-makers from Latin America put their European counterparts to shame00:02
Football: Silence for Wright00:02
Cat cruelty00:02
CENTREFOLD / Beautiful South: Film-makers from Latin America put their European counterparts to shame00:02
Sporting Digest: Cricket00:02
Schools fail re-tests00:02
Obituary: Professor Brinley Thomas00:02
Dear Alastair Campbell: Well done on the new job, a former media adviser to the Labour Party tells Tony Blair's new press secretary. But beware of falling into the sea at Blackpool - that way Kinnock lies00:02
Gene test marks breakthrough00:02
FILM / John Lyttle on cinema00:02
Stricter royal cash review urged: MPs' committee wants closer look at pounds 20m Queen's Household budget and grace and favour scheme. Stephen Goodwin reports00:02
DANCE / Louise Levene on dance00:02
Outcry over body00:02
White House chief plans to axe Clinton's losing team00:02
Charity 'wrong to send offender on holiday': Social services staff criticised over burgling spree at complex00:02
Rugby Union: Jefferson strikes twice: Barbarians swept aside00:02
TUC: PO managers reject sale00:02
Newsbrief: London Letters00:02
Amec profits flattened by pounds 3.2m loss on property sale00:02
Animal rights bomb links00:02
Fashion: Dressing women is not a man's job00:02
Leading Article: The long quest for credibility00:02
OPERA / Right of Reply: The composer Nigel Osborne defends his opera trilogy, Sarajevo00:02
Fatal aerobatics00:02
'Assassinations and threats will not keep us quiet': This is an extract from a note written in prison by Leyla Zana, one of the six Kurdish MPs on trial in Turkey00:02
Letter: Ireland's famine was due to natural causes00:02
Keep rolling back union power: Charles Hanson calls for further curbs to outlaw strikes in essential services like public transport00:02
DILEMMAS / Can I be a fairy godmother?00:02
Protest over scaffold death00:02
Cricket: Pakistanis fall foul of wily Warne: Australia's all-round effort negates Wasim Akram's early breakthrough to secure opening World Series Cup victory in Sri Lanka00:02
Newsbrief: Art collection stolen from lock-up garage00:02
Indian farmers stage dirty protest against plan to import Dutch dung00:02
POP MUSIC / Taking a pop at the prize00:02
Football: Shearer provides cutting edge for inspired England: Two classic centre-forward's goals in seven minutes put paid to the United States and crown a display of fluent attacking00:02
MUSIC / Perpetual motion: Edward Seckerson on the International Festival of Song00:02
Examiners face test00:02
Major attacks EU 'hard core'00:02
Taxes bite back00:02
Dutch oath00:02
Fire causes chaos in Sydney00:02
Badminton: Hall heads seeds for Ulster00:02
Football: Fright for Italy and Denmark00:02
Leading Article: A closer look at the royal purse00:02
Rugby League: Rovers try prop on trial basis00:02
Mob attack00:02
Higher Education: Wanted: a better degree of equality: Only a third of postgraduate students are women. Why? Stephen Pritchard reports00:02
View from City Road: Societies will have to pay up00:02
Child, 2, killed by lightning00:02
Justice Minister in Nigeria disowns laws00:02
Major fails to dispel image of reluctant UK: Prime Minister's attempt at reassurance does little to persuade Europe of British commitment to integration00:02
Football: Scots given impetus by Shearer00:02
Letter: Councils' historic and cultural value can't be ignored00:02
Golf: Ballesteros rages at omission: Organisers criticised as five-times champion loses chance of 19th successive appearance00:02
Ice Hockey: Gretzky fears lock-out: NHL faces salary conflict00:02
Major attacks EU 'hard core'00:02
Sheffield to leave Portals mansion: Committee to decide whether to raise chairman's pay00:02
Education / Back to School: Classroom doors flung open - for some: But are parents as welcome beyond the playground gates as they deserve to be? Judith Judd investigates00:02
Hillsdown may bid for Lyons arms00:02
Letter: In defence of New Zealand's weather00:02
Obituary: Barbara Hammer Avedon00:02
Sporting Digest: Bowls00:02
Sporting Digest: Swimming00:02
Football: Fry tries to set up Dicks loan deal00:02
Drugs worth pounds 2bn seized by Customs00:02
'10,000 lives' lost in Algeria violence00:02
Community care 'failing miserably': Government adviser warns of 'incoherent' system. Rosie Waterhouse reports00:02
A peace dividend is just the start: One land; two small, subsidised economies. Hamish McRae assesses the prospects for Ireland00:02
Car chase death00:02
Murdoch's Star signs deal to boost Chinese film sales00:02
Football: Costa causes Hamilton grief00:02
US gospel to raise stage's moral tone: Lesley Gerard listens in as amateur singers make their pitch for stardom00:02
Rugby Union: Treorchy nightmare for Llanelli: Copsey sent off00:02
Public Servies: Housing takes centre stage - Councils are encouraging people to move back into the middle of towns and cities, says Stephen Pritchard00:02
Fashion: Off the shelf .BL.- SOPHIA CHAUCHARD-STUART and BELINDA MORRIS00:02
Clarke told of threat to 'delicate' recovery: Bank and building society chiefs give warnings on damage to consumer confidence if interest rates rise00:02
Shropshire may face abolition00:02
Education / Back to School: A new school was child's play for the kids, but a trial for me: Viewpoint00:02
Opera deal00:02
Smuggling case00:02
Call to end delay in abolishing monopoly in gas00:02
Walker 'wanted in-depth probe into allegations'00:02
Palace tenants who occupy homes at Ruritanian rents: MPs' committee wants closer look at pounds 20m Queen's Household budget and grace and favour scheme. Stephen Goodwin reports00:02
Swimming: China's relay world record: Swimmers take the plunge in cool pursuit of gold and glory00:02
The British Association for the Advancement of Science: Animal happiness 'key to farm productivity'00:02
MI5 team 'lost trail of bombing suspects'00:02
Security Council 'to discuss lifting Serbia sanctions'00:02
Rugby Union: Bath leave out Ojomoh00:02
Graduates: Training to put people in the picture: Alex Zeman reports on the growth in popularity of courses specifically tailored for arts administration00:02
Pergau Dam Affair: Diplomats warn of dangers to contracts: 'Sunday Times' story linking Malaysia's prime minister with bribery claims proved the final straw00:02
Troubled jail given help: Extra staff to be drafted in to newest privatised prison00:02
World Polulation Conference: Abortion deadlock continues00:02
Numbing numbers: When Bingo espouses hi-tech, the two fat ladies head for the door. Dolly Dhingra went in search of entertainment and found misery00:02
Tennis: Sampras wins friends through his frailties: Fitness doubts over world No 1 after latest injury robs him of stamina in surprise defeat at the US Open00:02
Traveller returns00:02
Polly Pocket helps Bluebird rocket to pounds 7m00:02
World Polulation Conference: Vatican and Islamic clerics made 'holy pact' on abortion: Inter-faith alliance forged in Rome to fight UN strategy for termination and birth control00:02
The sweet appeal of nostalgia00:02
Teenage robber 'stamped on face of woman, 88'00:02
Mitterrand 'losing battle with cancer'00:02
Labour win in Barbados00:02
DILEMMAS / A mother's love: too much or just too late?00:02
Intrum takes new bearings: Debt collector looks forward to penalties from Brussels for late payment00:02
Family birthday00:02
TUC: Threat by BT engineers00:02
Opera wants pounds 40m to improve 'home': London Coliseum to get Edwardian look00:02
MI5 team 'lost trail of bombing suspects'00:02
Major fails to dispel image of reluctant UK: Prime Minister's attempt at reassurance does little to persuade Europe of British commitment to integration00:02
Author of best-selling epic 'Shogun' dies00:02
Obituary: Eric Crozier (CORRECTED)00:02
THEATRE / A twist in the cocktail: Paul Taylor on Design for Living at the Donmar00:02
World Population Conference: Women pay terrible price for tradition: Conference Notebook