Exhibit A: pretension00:02
AT & T in talks on giant merger00:02
Murdoch on verge of American satellite deal00:02
Letter: Pool resources for better ME treatment00:02
Ice hockey: Detroit reach final in flying fashion00:02
Shake-up for NHS computers00:02
Boxing: Ashley denied lucrative pay-day00:02
Rugby League: Stretched Saints on the rack00:02
Saudis promise murder case nurses a fair trial00:02
Halifax to fuel surge in consumer spending00:02
Society: Changing face of Britain00:02
Green Budget urges Brown to go steady with tax increases00:02
Holiday in the sun? Take cover00:02
Athletics: Round-up00:02
Cricket: Hollioakes upstaged by Brown00:02
Clarke leads, Lilley coming up outside00:02
DANCE Les Ballets C de la B QEH, London00:02
Chirac begs voters to save his presidency00:02
Russia and OECD sign co-operation pact00:02
CLASSICAL MUSIC RPO / Gatti Barbican, London00:02
Bridget Jones's Diary00:02
Rescue that shaped post-war world00:02
A new caveat: let the buyer be informed00:02
Computer services group crashes00:02
Rugby League: Bradford battle back to preserve record00:02
Letter: The human cost of fund-holding00:02
Flying the flag: Affluent Atlantic jewel jibs at the cost of independen ce00:02
Golf: Sunningdale set to stage the Solheim Cup00:02
'At least this fellow Wagner gets a tune going'00:02
Troops search Kashmir valley for hostages' graves00:02
Polar women on top of the world00:02
Coup supporters flood into Freetown00:02
The Investment Column: Healthy policy at Care UK00:02
Cricket: Board may have say as Taylor fails again00:02
Cricket: Millns makes Somerset suffer00:02
Football: Juventus chase unique hat-trick00:02
Nurse's brother now wants death penalty00:02
Girl refused transplant 'had signs of drug abuse'00:02
Kick in the teeth for the sport no one wants to regulate00:02
A time to live, a time to die00:02
Alien time-warp zone00:02
Russia shakes mailed fist at Taliban danger00:02
Hunt for source of hospital food bug00:02
Football: Round-up00:02
Barclays chief urges further EMU delay00:02
Yesterday was a ...00:02
Britain comes clean on nerve gas00:02
US setback clouds pounds 500m EMI handout00:02
Heseltine likely to come out for Clarke00:02
Stephen and Russell are gay, disabled and want a baby. Do they have a right to ask a surrogate to bear their child?00:02
Lee wins fight over film contract00:02
Picture clues to shipwreck mystery00:02
Letter: Pool resources for better ME treatment00:02
In case of injury00:02
Letter: Innit, n'est-ce pas?00:02
Law and Order: Ulster policing under fire from human rights group00:02
Hong Kong's tiny hiccup00:02
Spielberg creates his biggest monster to date00:02
Cobblers' treasure00:02
Business Comment: Halifax float gives inflation a little extra help00:02
Epistles at dawn: case for St Paul is put to the pulpit test00:02
Former nurse arrested over hospital deaths00:02
Letter: Deportation: the harm to families00:02
Cricket: Ramprakash succeeds Gatting at Middlesex00:02
Cricket: Capel the destroyer00:02
Tennis: Henman spurns a winning position00:02
Cricket: Kent lifted to victory by Walker00:02
Football: Adams unable to join Gascoigne's celebrations00:02
Letter: Pool resources for better ME treatment00:02
Gremlin sets out its stall to double profits00:02
If you can't beat them, join them00:02
Letter: Changing the world with music00:02
Market Report: Failed placing takes the shine off Johnson Matthey00:02
Kitaj causes pounds 1m stir at Royal Academy show00:02
HK dissidents find safe havens00:02
Russia balks over Baltic states00:02
Obituary: Albert Rosen00:02
Le Pen holds the key to victory for left00:02
Dead funny00:02
Leading article: Hard cases indeed, but existing law can cope00:02
Football: Rangers reveal European plans00:02
Northern Ireland changes colour00:02
Forget about mugging - it's simply not cricket00:02
Market Report: Taking Stock00:02
New baby for the Mother of Parliaments00:02
Football: United in hunt for Desailly00:02
People & Business: And now, here's a business text that we prepared earlier00:02
Cabinet-maker wins pounds 12m jackpot00:02
Business Comment: Spice fails to make EMI flavour of the month00:02
The Investment Column: Continental assets pay for McLeod00:02
Racing: Fallon contests ban00:02
Girls found guilty of gang attacks00:02
Court gives Paula Jones the go-ahead for Clinton sex case00:02
TV sports star faces sex case00:02
Motoring: Boy racers lose in sex stakes00:02
If the cap fits ...00:02
Cold War spymaster stays out of jail00:02
Criminals' charter00:02
Landlords still hold the power00:02
Letter: New Labour, new mayor00:02
Rugby Union: Dampener put on the Lions' Border skirmish00:02
Obituary: Brigadier Michael Harbottle00:02
The Investment Column: A dairy deal worth co-operating with00:02
Russia and Nato enter new detente00:02
Obituary: Sydney Bidwell00:02
Letter: Poor planning for mobile phones00:02
Letter: Courts will settle Camelot case00:02
Bailiffs kept at bay by protester in noose00:02
Egg thieves fined record pounds 90,00000:02
They all want to be left holding the baby00:02
Hills, lakes - and a cultural mountain00:02
Therapists - who needs them?00:02
Racing: Fahris on the scent of Epsom conquest00:02
Football: Ronaldo agrees improved contract with Barcelona00:02
Avonmore deal creates giant milk group00:02
Father gives up fight to halt abortion00:02
Schroder Ventures launches $1bn private equity fund00:02
Business Comment: Taxing questions raised by the Green Budget00:02
Smaller classes may cut choice00:02
Football: Hartson's strike gives Wales heart00:02
Army firing squads killed boy soldiers00:02
Shared goals, mutual promises00:02
Christian amulet may be hoax00:02
Beware the sons of quantity surveyors ...00:02
Letter: Poor planning for mobile phones00:02
Small is still beautiful for biotech companies coming to market00:02
Nissan's UK profits jump by 80 per cent00:02
Obituary: Tommy Turrentine00:02
Peace in our children's time00:02
Obituary: John Guest00:02
The French elite needs to take an English lesson00:02
Bad is good for business00:02
Health Care: Old people suffering maltreatment00:02
Two of a kind00:02
City defies order to surrender weapons