Rugby League Preview: Inga primed for central role00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Sauce on everyone's lips: Pesto was around before the Romans; in just three years it has swept through Britain. Michael Bateman charts the phenomenal rise of a north Italian conqueror00:02
Market 'will rise 5%'00:02
RECORDS / The IoS Playlist00:02
Football: On the move00:02
Speedway: Dog's life at the home of speed aces: Guy Hodgson examines the plight of Belle Vue and a sport in decline00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Paperbacks00:02
American Football: Dallas aim to extend dynasty: The battle for a place in Super Bowl XXVIII hots up in the land of the Giants00:02
Forecasting: They have seen the future - and it works for them: Big business harnesses an art honed on the game boards of the Cold War00:02
Letter: Tate is a loser not a winner00:02
Hoover pressure group plans High Court action00:02
Opinions: What are 'family values'?: Victoria McKee puts the question of the year to politicians, pundits and parents00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Daily Bread: What the world's strongest man ate one day last week00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The unlikely metamorphosis of the future: 'The First Century after Beatrice' - Amin Maalouf trs Dorothy Blair: Quartet, 14.95 pounds00:02
Storm over 'missing' 1m jobless00:02
Hoover pressure group plans High Court action00:02
ETCETERA / Bridge00:02
QUIZ OF THE YEAR / A question of business: Test your memory with an A to Z primer on the wheels and deals that made the headlines in 199300:02
When less is more . . .00:02
Almanack: Quote of the week00:02
Bike to basics00:02
ETCETERA / Chess00:02
Swimming: Olympic champion sets world standard00:02
Letter: Unbelievers should be honest00:02
Football: Weighty Wegerle00:02
BOOKS / Bestsellers of 199300:02
Bunhill: Treasury cost cutting00:02
Racing: Antonin surprises00:02
SCIENCE / My vegetable love will grow: Even carrots, surely the epitome of goodness, can be addictive, suggests recent research. What, then, causes addiction? Rob Stepney investigates00:02
ART MARKET / The year of dealing normally: It was neither boom nor bust in 1993, says Geraldine Norman, just average mayhem00:02
Our picks for the shares of 1994: The Independent on Sunday staff select the companies they think will be the performers in the year ahead00:02
Letter: Unbelievers should be honest00:02
Letter: Russia should put people first00:02
Captain Moonlight: 93 not wanted in '9400:02
Letter: Racism at the top of sport00:02
Football: Breacker's shaker00:02
Bond winners00:02
Tennis: The scarred heroine with lots of bottle: As the wounds heal, a relaxed Monica Seles prepares to resume normal service - Bud Collins in Florida meets a tennis prodigy eager to reclaim top spot00:02
So, farewell then to the greatest stories never told00:02
RADIO / You, yours, them, theirs, and Stoppard00:02
Golf: Little and red and well read: A golf book of uncommon sense has cult status. Robert Green reports00:02
Quotes of the week00:02
Athletics: Bold Radcliffe wins new admirers: A young Briton leaves Bondarenko and Pieterse behind across the Durham countryside as Gebresilasie trots up in men's race00:02
Bunhill: Out of Hackney00:02
For the sake of Auld Lang Z-z-z-z-yne00:02
Opinions: What are 'family values'?: Victoria McKee puts the question of the year to politicians, pundits and parents00:02
SECOND OPINION / Screening00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Science00:02
Tennis: Provis proves her worth00:02
YORK ON ADS / No 9: KFC00:02
ROCK / And finally . . . bringing up baby the Ice-T way00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The Eastern bloc00:02
LIVES OF THE GREAT SONGS / Shake it up and scream it out: Twist and Shout: It's the most famous Beatles number the Beatles didn't write. Phil Johnson tells the tale of the ultimate show-closer00:02
Rugby Union: Scottish revival needs a Sharp edge00:02
THE ART OF THEATRE: 9 Character: Nicholas Wright's Masterclass00:02
Rail-safe system00:02
Flar Earth: Name calling00:02
Noise levels hit unhealthy high00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Gossip00:02
Rugby Union: Hogg on point duty00:02
LONG RUNNERS / No 12: Lilliburlero00:02
Soccer theft00:02
It may not be art, but those jowls and bosoms are the nation's history00:02
Business Information Service: This Week00:02
Same Sloanes, new Range: Ten years after their handbook was a bestseller, Owen Slot finds Caroline and Henry are still doing OK, Yah00:02
Papering over the pain00:02
Where you should put your money for the new year: A selection of financial experts offer investment advice for 199400:02
The gospel of Bryn Melyn: Holidays for hooligans or ground-breaking treatment? Brendan McNutt's centre has drawn fire over its controversial methods00:02
ART MARKET / The year of dealing normally: It was neither boom nor bust in 1993, says Geraldine Norman, just average mayhem00:02
Where you should put your money for the new year: A selection of financial experts offer investment advice for 199400:02
Comment: Misuse of the whip hand00:02
Sport on TV: Jones can't keep up with the Wolfman00:02
Football: Owl returns much the wiser00:02
Church urges fair job deal for all00:02
RADIO / You, yours, them, theirs, and Stoppard00:02
Bond winners00:02
The List00:02
Tennis: Australians need a double-take00:02
Words: Resolution00:02
Letter: Lift the ban00:02
Europe sounds a rash retreat: A Bosnia pull-out would spell abject failure - and abandon millions to a brutal fate, Robert Block warns00:02
Rules needed for work at home00:02
California sells its pollution00:02
UK researchers seek cherry on top00:02
Letter: Tax land values not income00:02
An age of worthless values: A society of self-gratification only generates despair, says Michael Meacher00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Daily Bread: What the world's strongest man ate one day last week00:02
Marketing: The search for life after Mr Blobby: How a good judge of character can cash in00:02
Letters Briefly00:02
Leading Article: One you needn't wait 30 years for00:02
Table Tennis: Douglas considers England comeback00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Socrates goes Dutch: 'The Following Story' - Cees Nooteboom trs Ina Rilke: Harvill, 6.99 pounds00:02
Risks of moving out and back in00:02
Almanack: Money talks in a game of Bowls00:02
Helicopter rescue00:02
Activist tells Yeo to resign00:02
Economics: An early rate cut may prove politic00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Politics00:02
Letter: Lift the ban00:02
California sells its pollution00:02
MUSIC / Mock Tudor for our time00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Toys for the sand pit: 'Spider's Web: Bush, Saddam, Thatcher and the Decade of Deceit' - Alan Friedman: Faber, 17.50 pounds00:02
Football Round-Up: Whitehouse breaks spell00:02
Ski Jumping: Fast Bredesen reaction00:02
Shares: Hi-tech produces a virtual certainty for 1994: Leading-edge technologies offer fledgling companies the prospect of huge and recurring returns00:02
RECORDS / New Releases00:02
Pressure mounts for early interest rate cut: High-street tills are ringing but higher taxes raise fears for recovery00:02
Football: Rovers bank on Shearer00:02
Football: Arsenal revival in full flight00:02
Don't let the bargains get you down: The sales may appear to offer spectacular savings, but make sure you read between the lines of hype00:02
Violence mars celebrations00:02
TELEVISION / An awful lot of Everything00:02
Tom Peters On excellence: Travel the independent road00:02
Letters Briefly00:02
Storm over 'missing' 1m jobless00:02
Money transfers meet a frontier00:02
1993 portfolio beats market - despite Queens Moat00:02
Rugby Union: Scottish revival needs a Sharp edge00:02
Smart technology predicts better00:02
Football: Owl returns much the wiser00:02
Profile: The scrum-half and a half: Andy Gregory00:02
FILM / That was then, and that is now00:02
ETCETERA / Home Thoughts00:02
When less is more . . .00:02
Police condemn 'hard core' of risk takers: Sharp increase in road accidents over Christmas00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Science00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Murmuring after Kafka's ghost: 'The Weeping Woman on The Streets of Prague' - Sylvie Germain trs Judith Landry: Dedalus, pounds 6.99; 'Days of Anger' - Sylvie Germain trs Christine Donougher: Dedalus, 8.99 pounds00:02
Ski Jumping: Fast Bredesen reaction00:02
How much do they earn?: The Clintons00:02
Risks of moving out and back in00:02
Just get it over with, I want to start living again00:02
Rugby Union: Moseley run down00:02
Football: Saints shredded by Sutton00:02
The Broader Picture: The Chairman's private album00:02
Don't let the bargains get you down: The sales may appear to offer spectacular savings, but make sure you read between the lines of hype00:02
Speedway: Dog's life at the home of speed aces: Guy Hodgson examines the plight of Belle Vue and a sport in decline00:02
Football: Saints shredded by Sutton00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The USA00:02
Football: United's fire is drawn: Wilkinson's wiles earn Leeds a point in England's premier game as Rangers usher in the new year in style00:02
Canary Wharf shows a brighter outlook00:02
Canary Wharf shows a brighter outlook00:02
YORK ON ADS / No 9: KFC00:02
Flar Earth: Future imperfect00:02
Brussels plans to cut Jamaican visits: Anger over EU visa move which could bar thousands from UK00:02
Bunhill: Treasury cost cutting00:02
Football: Match facts00:02
Bunhill: Contingent employees00:02
Football: On the move00:02
Europe sounds a rash retreat: A Bosnia pull-out would spell abject failure - and abandon millions to a brutal fate, Robert Block warns00:02
TRIED & TESTED / The browning version: The best invention since sliced bread: our panel chooses the winning toaster00:02
Football: Hoddle rises above the barracking: Jeers for souvenirs as a frosty reception greets the former heroes who returned as villains at Swindon and Southend00:02
Cricket: Bicknell buckles as England struggle00:02
Brussels plans to cut Jamaican visits: Anger over EU visa move which could bar thousands from UK00:02
Business Information Service: Saying of the week00:02
Personal Finance: Adieu to the welfare state00:02
Almanack: George present to enliven past00:02
It may not be art, but those jowls and bosoms are the nation's history00:02
Public Services Management: Now the sequel to a closed book: Leaders in the public sector were asked to take a reading on what's in store for '94. Their predictions range from comedy to drama00:02
Bringing up father: Where there is a teenage mother, there is often a teenage dad. And if he is in prison, the whole family has problems. Angela Neustatter reports on a scheme which tries to help00:02
City & Business: You may think that, but will it really happen?00:02
Cricket: Milestone for Rackemann00:02
Bunhill: Playing cards with doctors00:02
ETCETERA / ANgST: Expert advice on your problems00:02
Have we queued our last?00:02
Belfast blitz dampens peace hopes00:02
Silvia shows Windsors the right way to do it: Swedish queen proves royalty needn't be a pantomime00:02
Woman judge breaks mould of High Court00:02
Rugby Union: Hogg on point duty00:02
Lonrho directors demand pay-offs to go quietly00:02
Michael Shrimpton00:02
Football: Fry takes shelter from storm00:02
ETCETERA / Competition: Details No 16600:02
Oxbridge to lose cash perks00:02
1993 portfolio beats market - despite Queens Moat00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The unlikely metamorphosis of the future: 'The First Century after Beatrice' - Amin Maalouf trs Dorothy Blair: Quartet, 14.95 pounds00:02
Church urges fair job deal for all00:02
Letter: Russia should put people first00:02
TELEVISION / The world, not at one: Poor old BBC. No sooner has it seen off its critics at home, than another battle looms: the fight with the media barons for control of a fast-shrinking globe. Peter Koenig reports00:02
Shares: Hi-tech produces a virtual certainty for 1994: Leading-edge technologies offer fledgling companies the prospect of huge and recurring returns00:02
Tiphook assures bankers00:02
Silvia shows Windsors the right way to do it: Swedish queen proves royalty needn't be a pantomime00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Socrates goes Dutch: 'The Following Story' - Cees Nooteboom trs Ina Rilke: Harvill, 6.99 pounds00:02
ETCETERA / ANgST: Expert advice on your problems00:02
Football: Rovers bank on Shearer00:02
Rugby League: Northern arrested by Crooks00:02
My Biggest Mistake00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The arts00:02
ROCK / And finally . . . bringing up baby the Ice-T way00:02
Letter: Sexist abuse00:02
Letter: Going to hell00:02
Personal Finance: Adieu to the welfare state00:02
Bunhill: Out of Hackney00:02
Sport: Critical guide to the main events00:02
Darts: High priest of new order: Jonathan Rendall reports from Purfleet on the real doyens of darts00:02
State treasure goes home China's game, set and match00:02
Athletics: Bold Radcliffe wins new admirers: A young Briton leaves Bondarenko and Pieterse behind across the Durham countryside as Gebresilasie trots up in men's race00:02
Expulsion is 'lesson' to UK00:02
An age of worthless values: A society of self-gratification only generates despair, says Michael Meacher00:02
Just get it over with, I want to start living again00:02
Leading Article: The high cost of low taxes00:02
Activist tells Yeo to resign00:02
Cycling: Banesto team banks on backers00:02
Market 'will rise 5%'00:02
Letter: Neither classless nor classy00:02
Scots NHS fiasco points at ministers00:02
1994: The year of the family00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The arts00:02
TELEVISION / An awful lot of Everything00:02
ETCETERA / Index00:02
Profile: Darwin's disciple: Who needs God when we've got biology? Nick Cohen meets the scourge of theologians00:02
Profile: Scourge of TV unions girds for new enemy: Gus Macdonald - The next battle looming for the canny head of Scottish Television is likely to be against southern bidders. He talks to William Kay00:02
LONG RUNNERS / No 12: Lilliburlero00:02
Letter: Neither classless nor classy00:02
For the sake of Auld Lang Z-z-z-z-yne00:02
Business Information Service: This Week00:02
Sport: What the papers said about . . . 199300:02
Rules needed for work at home00:02
Quiz answers00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Grapevine: Kathryn McWhirter on some daring wines for the new year00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The USA00:02
Cricket: Bicknell buckles as England struggle00:02
My one to follow: Masters choose their class for '94: Whose chances do the experts fancy in the new year? Top performers select the men and women in their own field who hold most promise for the future00:02
Flar Earth: Brain fever00:02
Noise levels hit unhealthy high00:02
Almanack: Wrong number00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Rococo modernism: a user's manual: 'Georges Perec: A Life in Words' - David Bellos: Harvill, 35 pounds00:02
BOOKS / Bestsellers of 199300:02
FASHION / The puritan look00:02
Police condemn 'hard core' of risk takers: Sharp increase in road accidents over Christmas00:02
Pressure mounts for early interest rate cut: High-street tills are ringing but higher taxes raise fears for recovery00:02
Time to give Japan a chance00:02
Business Information Service: Saying of the week00:02
Leading Article: One you needn't wait 30 years for00:02
RECORDS / The IoS Playlist00:02
Quotes of the week00:02
Colours of morality: Tom Wilkie looks at the prejudices that arise when a black woman chooses to have a white child00:02
The Broader Picture: The Chairman's private album00:02
Money transfers meet a frontier00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Gossip00:02
How much do they earn?: The Clintons00:02
Football: Arsenal revival in full flight00:02
Virtual telephony00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Africa00:02
Lonrho directors demand pay-offs to go quietly00:02
Cycling: Banesto team banks on backers00:02
Letter: Tax land values not income00:02
ETCETERA / Index00:02
BOOK REVIEW / And in with the new: The Yanks are coming, the British women are here in force, poetry is bursting out all over: Jan Dalley examines what's in store on the publishers' spring lists00:02
Violence mars celebrations00:02
Football: United's fire is drawn: Wilkinson's wiles earn Leeds a point in England's premier game as Rangers usher in the new year in style00:02
NEW YEAR'S DAY 1919 / A private tragedy at Lewis00:02
Titanium advance00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Two ends, one great goal: 'My Favourite Year: A Collection of New Football Writing' - Nick Hornby: Witherby, 9.99 pounds; 'Gazza Agonistes' - Ian Hamilton: Granta 45, 7.99 pounds 7.9900:02
ETCETERA / Home Thoughts00:02
Almanack: Wrong number00:02
Scots NHS fiasco points at ministers00:02
Smart technology predicts better00:02
Sport: What the papers said about . . . 199300:02
Captain Moonlight: 93 not wanted in '9400:02
GARDENING / A time to turn over new leaves: Last January, gardeners everywhere no doubt began the year with the best of horticultural intentions. But what happened? Our gardening writers resolve to do things differently this time00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Rococo modernism: a user's manual: 'Georges Perec: A Life in Words' - David Bellos: Harvill, 35 pounds00:02
Tougher rules urged for 'designer baby' clinics00:02
THEATRE / Going nowhere, very cleverly00:02
Almanack: George present to enliven past00:02
ETCETERA / Chess00:02
The List00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Toys for the sand pit: 'Spider's Web: Bush, Saddam, Thatcher and the Decade of Deceit' - Alan Friedman: Faber, 17.50 pounds00:02
American Football: Dallas aim to extend dynasty: The battle for a place in Super Bowl XXVIII hots up in the land of the Giants00:02
Palestinians angered by autocratic Arafat: High-handed style alienates street warriors and intellectuals alike00:02
Flar Earth: Hello? Operator? Fraternal greetings00:02
Letter: Television's happy campers00:02
Profile: Scourge of TV unions girds for new enemy: Gus Macdonald - The next battle looming for the canny head of Scottish Television is likely to be against southern bidders. He talks to William Kay00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Murmuring after Kafka's ghost: 'The Weeping Woman on The Streets of Prague' - Sylvie Germain trs Judith Landry: Dedalus, pounds 6.99; 'Days of Anger' - Sylvie Germain trs Christine Donougher: Dedalus, 8.99 pounds00:02
Where there be Truth, the Hounds will Sniff it out: Master Watkins' Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs00:02
Flar Earth: Boredom triumphs00:02
Best and worst: Japan Unit Trusts00:02
Best and worst: Japan Unit Trusts00:02
Dictating the future of personal computers: Improved voice recognition allows hands-off word processing00:02
Foorball: Rush reluctant to step aside00:02
Rugby League Preview: Inga primed for central role00:02
Flar Earth: Crazy bosses00:02
Tennis: The scarred heroine with lots of bottle: As the wounds heal, a relaxed Monica Seles prepares to resume normal service - Bud Collins in Florida meets a tennis prodigy eager to reclaim top spot00:02
How We Met: Richard Wentworth and Marina Warner00:02
Our picks for the shares of 1994: The Independent on Sunday staff select the companies they think will be the performers in the year ahead00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The economy00:02
Tennis: Provis proves her worth00:02
Letter: Tate is a loser not a winner00:02
Football: Cole deepens recession for City00:02
Flar Earth: Hello? Operator? Fraternal greetings00:02
Flar Earth: Crazy bosses00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The economy00:02
Letter: Racism at the top of sport00:02
Flar Earth: Boredom triumphs00:02
The Agreeable World of Wallace Arnold: Wit, wisdom and a season of scrivenings00:02
Violence mars celebrations00:02
Anti-smokers to turn up the heat: Employers face more lawsuits in Ash campaign00:02
Bunhill: Contingent employees00:02
Bunhill: Dubious honours00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Opposite the other Gazza: 'The Inner Game' - Dominic Lawson: Macmillan, 14.99 pounds00:02
Football: Celtic are bewitched by Hateley00:02
Tom Peters On excellence: Travel the independent road00:02
First-Hand: 'I may still be childless, but at least I'm not bankrupt, too': Naomi Pfeffer deplores the market in treatment for infertility, and the lack of compassion shown to women who have no alternative00:02
Football Round-Up: Whitehouse breaks spell00:02
Almanack: Sproat seeks to crack the codes00:02
Foorball: Rush reluctant to step aside00:02
Words: Resolution00:02
A barrage of bluster keeps Zhirinovsky in spotlight00:02
UK researchers seek cherry on top00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Paperbacks00:02
Comment: Misuse of the whip hand00:02
Virtual telephony00:02
Sport on TV: Jones can't keep up with the Wolfman00:02
Football: Fry takes shelter from storm00:02
Almanack: Quote of the week00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Sauce on everyone's lips: Pesto was around before the Romans; in just three years it has swept through Britain. Michael Bateman charts the phenomenal rise of a north Italian conqueror00:02
Cricket: Milestone for Rackemann00:02
Helicopter rescue00:02
Today's papers00:02
Letter: Rude question00:02
Rugby Union: Moseley run down00:02
LIVES OF THE GREAT SONGS / Shake it up and scream it out: Twist and Shout: It's the most famous Beatles number the Beatles didn't write. Phil Johnson tells the tale of the ultimate show-closer00:02
Exchange in USM dispute00:02
Titanium advance00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Politics00:02
Letter: Sexist abuse00:02
ARTS / Cries & Whispers00:02
As others see it00:02
Letter: Help for the old and alone00:02
GARDENING / A time to turn over new leaves: Last January, gardeners everywhere no doubt began the year with the best of horticultural intentions. But what happened? Our gardening writers resolve to do things differently this time00:02
The myth that is killing a continent: Millions of Africans are dying in an epidemic the 'Sunday Times' says does not exist. Julie Flint reports from Uganda and Tanzania on the true cost of ignoring Aids00:02
ARTS / Cries & Whispers00:02
Almanack: Money talks in a game of Bowls00:02
So, farewell then to the greatest stories never told00:02
Bike to basics00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Asia00:02
ARTS / Overheard00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Asia00:02
Swimming: Olympic champion sets world standard00:02
Palestinians angered by autocratic Arafat: High-handed style alienates street warriors and intellectuals alike00:02
Letter: Going to hell00:02
Letter: Why protectionism is a sin00:02
Fishing Lines: Bland faith as devotees spread the gospel00:02
Fishing Lines: Bland faith as devotees spread the gospel00:02
ETCETERA / Competition: Details No 16600:02
Football: Weighty Wegerle00:02
Rugby League: Northern arrested by Crooks00:02
Flar Earth: Brain fever00:02
BOOK REVIEW / And in with the new: The Yanks are coming, the British women are here in force, poetry is bursting out all over: Jan Dalley examines what's in store on the publishers' spring lists00:02
As others see it00:02
Papering over the pain00:02
Flar Earth: Name calling00:02
The tarring of Clinton: The presidential couple cannot escape America's runaway sleaze machine. Rupert Cornwell in Washington reports00:02
Football: Cole deepens recession for City00:02
ARTS / Overheard00:02
Tiphook assures bankers00:02
Quiz answers00:02
Dictating the future of personal computers: Improved voice recognition allows hands-off word processing00:02
Football: Breacker's shaker00:02
Oxbridge to lose cash perks00:02
The gospel of Bryn Melyn: Holidays for hooligans or ground-breaking treatment? Brendan McNutt's centre has drawn fire over its controversial methods00:02
Letter: It is Gerry Adams who must do the persuading00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: The Eastern bloc00:02
Today's papers00:02
Table Tennis: Douglas considers England comeback00:02
Letter: Television's happy campers00:02
Woman judge breaks mould of High Court00:02
Rugby Union: Elwood the heir apparent: Ireland look to the latest in a noble line to lift their Five Nations challenge - Chris Rea meets a fly-half who made the most of his long-awaited chance00:02
THEATRE / Going nowhere, very cleverly00:02
Racing: Antonin surprises00:02
Rail-safe system00:02
Have we queued our last?00:02
Bringing up father: Where there is a teenage mother, there is often a teenage dad. And if he is in prison, the whole family has problems. Angela Neustatter reports on a scheme which tries to help00:02
Letter: Rude question00:02
The tarring of Clinton: The presidential couple cannot escape America's runaway sleaze machine. Rupert Cornwell in Washington reports00:02
THE ART OF THEATRE: 9 Character: Nicholas Wright's Masterclass00:02
Rugby Union: Elwood the heir apparent: Ireland look to the latest in a noble line to lift their Five Nations challenge - Chris Rea meets a fly-half who made the most of his long-awaited chance00:02
Leading Article: The high cost of low taxes00:02
Golf: Little and red and well read: A golf book of uncommon sense has cult status. Robert Green reports00:02
Forecasting: They have seen the future - and it works for them: Big business harnesses an art honed on the game boards of the Cold War00:02
Football: Match facts00:02
Tougher rules urged for 'designer baby' clinics00:02
Public Services Management: Now the sequel to a closed book: Leaders in the public sector were asked to take a reading on what's in store for '94. Their predictions range from comedy to drama00:02
Where there be Truth, the Hounds will Sniff it out: Master Watkins' Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs00:02
Expulsion is 'lesson' to UK00:02
RECORDS / New Releases00:02
Soccer theft00:02
Time to give Japan a chance00:02
My one to follow: Masters choose their class for '94: Whose chances do the experts fancy in the new year? Top performers select the men and women in their own field who hold most promise for the future00:02
FILM / That was then, and that is now00:02
Sport Q & A: Strikers who hit the spot . . . and the etiquette of kit changes00:02
QUIZ OF THE YEAR / A question of business: Test your memory with an A to Z primer on the wheels and deals that made the headlines in 199300:02
Letter: Why protectionism is a sin00:02
TRIED & TESTED / The browning version: The best invention since sliced bread: our panel chooses the winning toaster00:02
Anti-smokers to turn up the heat: Employers face more lawsuits in Ash campaign00:02
Sport: Critical guide to the main events00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Opposite the other Gazza: 'The Inner Game' - Dominic Lawson: Macmillan, 14.99 pounds00:02
FOOD & DRINK / Grapevine: Kathryn McWhirter on some daring wines for the new year00:02
Marketing: The search for life after Mr Blobby: How a good judge of character can cash in00:02
SHOW PEOPLE / A turn at the tables: The Cigarette Girl00:02
Almanack: Sproat seeks to crack the codes00:02
A barrage of bluster keeps Zhirinovsky in spotlight00:02
Exchange in USM dispute00:02
Letter: Help for the old and alone00:02
NEW YEAR'S DAY 1919 / A private tragedy at Lewis00:02
State treasure goes home China's game, set and match00:02
TELEVISION / The world, not at one: Poor old BBC. No sooner has it seen off its critics at home, than another battle looms: the fight with the media barons for control of a fast-shrinking globe. Peter Koenig reports00:02
Belfast blitz dampens peace hopes00:02
Michael Shrimpton00:02
Same Sloanes, new Range: Ten years after their handbook was a bestseller, Owen Slot finds Caroline and Henry are still doing OK, Yah00:02
FASHION / The puritan look00:02
Tennis: Australians need a double-take00:02
Football: Hoddle rises above the barracking: Jeers for souvenirs as a frosty reception greets the former heroes who returned as villains at Swindon and Southend00:02
Flar Earth: Future imperfect00:02
MUSIC / Mock Tudor for our time00:02
Bunhill: Dubious honours00:02
The Agreeable World of Wallace Arnold: Wit, wisdom and a season of scrivenings00:02
Profile: Darwin's disciple: Who needs God when we've got biology? Nick Cohen meets the scourge of theologians00:02
Profile: The scrum-half and a half: Andy Gregory00:02
Here is the news - of 1994: Africa00:02
City & Business: You may think that, but will it really happen?00:02
SCIENCE / My vegetable love will grow: Even carrots, surely the epitome of goodness, can be addictive, suggests recent research. What, then, causes addiction? Rob Stepney investigates00:02
Colours of morality: Tom Wilkie looks at the prejudices that arise when a black woman chooses to have a white child00:02
Bunhill: Playing cards with doctors00:02
Sport Q & A: Strikers who hit the spot . . . and the etiquette of kit changes00:02
Football: Celtic are bewitched by Hateley00:02
My Biggest Mistake00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Two ends, one great goal: 'My Favourite Year: A Collection of New Football Writing' - Nick Hornby: Witherby, 9.99 pounds; 'Gazza Agonistes' - Ian Hamilton: Granta 45, 7.99 pounds 7.9900:02
The myth that is killing a continent: Millions of Africans are dying in an epidemic the 'Sunday Times' says does not exist. Julie Flint reports from Uganda and Tanzania on the true cost of ignoring Aids00:02
How We Met: Richard Wentworth and Marina Warner00:02
1994: The year of the family00:02
Darts: High priest of new order: Jonathan Rendall reports from Purfleet on the real doyens of darts00:02
Economics: An early rate cut may prove politic00:02
SECOND OPINION / Screening00:02
Letter: It is Gerry Adams who must do the persuading00:02
ETCETERA / Bridge00:02
First-Hand: 'I may still be childless, but at least I'm not bankrupt, too': Naomi Pfeffer deplores the market in treatment for infertility, and the lack of compassion shown to women who have no alternative00:02
SHOW PEOPLE / A turn at the tables: The Cigarette Girl