Fishing Lines: No more hob-nobbing00:02
Short finds form to take the lead00:02
Football Round-Up: Summerbee leads the fightback00:02
Business Information Service: Saying of the week00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Scratching at the gold surface: 'Marlene Dietrich' - Maria Riva: Bloomsbury, 25 pounds00:02
BOOK REVIEW / The last train to nowhere: 'The Orient-Express' - Gregor von Rezzori: Chatto, 13.99 pounds00:02
Pupils raped00:02
Sport in Short: Baseball00:02
TELEVISION / Old, old, borrowed and not very blue00:02
Small firms leader quits CBI in anger00:02
Bunhill: New writing dynasty00:02
New tax form tries the polite approach00:02
The Broader Picture: The Escape from New York00:02
Gales batter ship00:02
IBM set for dollars 4.5bn loss00:02
ARTS / Video00:02
Jobs for the Ministers00:02
Skiing: Heinzer hits a hot patch00:02
FedEx adjusts00:02
Rowland rejected mining merger00:02
PROPERTY / Sold for a Song, Region by Region00:02
Personnel: Companies find flexible friends: The trend to part-time staffing is popular with women managers. Roger Trapp reports00:02
Sport in Short: Snooker00:02
FOOD AND DRINK / Chicken Tikka Masala00:02
DESIGN / Builder of the American Way: Frank Lloyd Wright has crossed the Atlantic at last. Tanya Harrod explains00:02
The Agreeable World of Wallace Arnold: Memories of Dickie00:02
Iraq police raise two fingers to the world00:02
Mockery of monarchy tilts the power axis00:02
Opinions: Which world event are you most worried about?00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Bargains at James Lock00:02
Marshall at centre of storm: Boardroom bust-up expected at British Airways after humiliating public apology in the High Court00:02
My Biggest Mistake: Sir James McKinnnon00:02
Government re-think may save Bart's00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Lord of misrule00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Not to be sniffed at00:02
THEATRE / A heartbreaking class act00:02
Private Lives?: The tightrope between free expression and privacy; the Law00:02
Lamont expected to cut loan rate before Budget00:02
MOTORING / Jeep challenge: Chrysler's Cherokee00:02
Showdown in Iraq: The Gulf war that Saddam won: To the West it was a spanking for a despot, but to Arabs it was another example of our hypocrisy; The Middle East00:02
Letter: Tests may cause discrimination00:02
'Gutsy' Britons reach Pole00:02
TRAVEL / Lap of the Gods: Great Civilisations of the World: 3 Magna Graecia00:02
It must be true, they leaked it to the papers00:02
Your Money: Time to trust in mortgages00:02
ROCK / Young, gifted and white00:02
Computer chain will challenge the high street: Russell Hotten on a bullish supplier with big plans to build its market by moving into retail00:02
BA is tops for friends in high places00:02
Sport in Short: Athletics00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Honeyed words and healthy appetites: 'History of Food' - Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat; trs Anthea Bell: Basil Blackwell, 25 pounds00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Justin's progress00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Sourpuss sharpens his claws on the past: 'Inventing the Middle Ages' - Norman F Cantor: Lutterworth Press, 17.95 pounds00:02
American Football: Cowboy back in town: Matt Tench on the balance of power for today's meeting of the superpowers in American football's NFC title match00:02
ARTS / Cries & Whispers00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Say what you like about . . .00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Personal chemistry00:02
Bunhill: Serious fraud00:02
Political Commentary: The price of curbing daily excess00:02
Racing: Per Quod can prove his class with winning debut at Kempton00:02
City: Dirty tricks have clipped BA's wings00:02
Finance chief joins exodus at Isosceles00:02
Cricket: Bowlers' butcher whose bat is his mouthpiece: Simon Hughes reveals the match-winning make-up of England's belligerent veteran Mike Gatting00:02
Football: Jackson sinks old employers00:02
Letter: From doorways to catwalks00:02
Letter: Essex social workers are innocent00:02
Fuel on way00:02
Profile: Advance of a pawn king: Kasparov, fame and fortune await Britain's finest player in 150 years. William Hartston looks at the prodigy poised to rule the chess world / Nigel Short00:02
ETCETERA / Index00:02
How to cheat your way out of boredom00:02
Ethical money urged to target offending firms: New Consumer, a charity, believes in shareholder action to change businesses, writes Andrew Bibby00:02
Football: Cottee two sink Leeds00:02
Tales from the Frozen North00:02
BOOKS / 20-20 Vision: The Best of Young British Novelists campaign has met with sneering condemnation. Fiction isn't what it was, say critics. Or has our culture become one of cheap denigration?00:02
Major acts on jobs crisis: PM sets up high-powered Cabinet team; Cash lure to quit dole queue for college00:02
Letter: Opulent snip00:02
Football: On the Move00:02
City File: VAT worries00:02
Letter: Agencies must co-operate to protect the mentally ill00:02
Shares: Advertising in line for a better break00:02
Refugees set deadline on 'broken promises': Edward Pilkington meets ethnic cleansing victims desperate to be reunited with their families00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Isms, schisms, critics and spies: 'Double Agent: The Critic and Society' - Morris Dickstein: OUP, 19.50 pounds00:02
Sport in Short: Badminton00:02
Sport in Short: Swimming00:02
TRAVEL / Great minds behind an Italian dream: Great Civilisations of the World: 3 Magna Graecia00:02
How to put a price-tag on a private business: Most firms turn to specialists to value a company. Roger Trapp reviews a book that may help owner-managers do it themselves00:02
GARDENING / Bin there, dung that: Mary Keen's Garden Season by SeasoN: 7 WINTER00:02
City: No big deals00:02
ARTS / Overheard00:02
City File: City convinced that London Electricity will axe operation00:02
ARTS / Records00:02
Cricket: Not so much to worry about00:02
'Hoffa with a halo' film angers Kennedy aides: Phil Reeves in Los Angeles on a row over Hollywood's distortion of history00:02
Sport in Short: Speed Skating00:02
Q & A: Hard luck, Hampshire .. and Grimsby's visitors00:02
ARTS / Take a Letter, Mr Costello: Elvis Costello, rock's Mr Sneery, has a new band. There are four of them, and they all play strings. Their first LP could have been awful. But it's excellent - and genuinely new00:02
Bunhill: Serious fraud00:02
TRAVEL / Great Civilisations of the World: 3 Magna Graecia: Where to go, what to see00:02
ETCETERA / How We Met: Derek Jarman and Kevin Collins00:02
Obituary: The man who defined Sinatra - twice: Sammy Cahn died on Friday, aged 79. An appreciation by Robert Cushman00:02
Bunhill: BA man puts his trust on the wire00:02
British troops bound for Bosnia board the Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel Argus00:02
Speech unit may be forced to close00:02
Sport in Short: Table Tennis00:02
Football: Ripley yields a telling finish00:02
Economics: The time is not right to put up taxes00:02
Nominee fined00:02
Letter: State Pensions00:02
Entries for The Independent 100 listing00:02
Public Services Management: Auditors earmark fraud in councils: Local authorities are big business - which means cheating them is big business, too. Paul Gosling investigates00:02
Oh Mr Major, what shall we do, we wanted to go to Aberdeen and there isn't a train from Crewe: The junction at BR's heart is a shadow of its former self. Will privatisation mean the end? Peter Crookston talks to passengers and railwaymen00:02
Football: Doing it the Rioch way: Guy Hodgson meets the manager of Bolton Wanderers, FA Cup conquerors of Liverpool00:02
COLLECTABLES / On the roadshow to riches: Could granny's knick-knacks be valuable antiques? Madeleine Marsh goes behind the scenes of a TV show for the hopeful00:02
Labour accuses Tory placemen of 'blowing windfall tax off course'00:02
Scotland braves a no-drive zone: London was not impressed, but 'the white stuff' caused havoc in the Highlands last week, reports James Cusick00:02
City File: Investors looking with trepidation towards Bass meeting00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Music hath charms, and other plonking platitudes: 'Music and the Mind' - Anthony Storr: HarperCollins, 16.99 pounds00:02
But what was it like for the lion?: Colin Tudge corrects popular myths about predators after the London Zoo mauling00:02
Football: Waddle in command00:02
Electric link00:02
Ski collision death00:02
Show People: New Wave queen on old shore: 60. Jeanne Moreau00:02
Letter: Obscure to some, admired by others00:02
Scotland's big thaw00:02
City File: Iraq and Bosnia spur defence shares00:02
Bugging: Can you hear me? Yes, darling, and so can an awful lot of other people00:02
Cricket: First blood to West Indies00:02
Is it time for the cult of youth to grow up?: Age Concern thinks older people are increasingly being marginalised. Geraldine Bedell investigates00:02
Pit closure challenge00:02
FASHION / Look at Men Now: Milan's message from last week - dandy, Dracula and multi-layered global grunge00:02
Football: Men in the middle causing too much muddle00:02
Football: Saints pull up Palace00:02
Tests for Honecker00:02
Britain backs into Bosnia no-fly deal00:02
Rugby Union / Five Nations' Championship: Luck gives England the edge00:02
Letter: Passive Smoking00:02
Adrian the Editor keeps it strictly in the family00:02
Made by men, shuddered at by women: Geraldine Bedell observes the effects of the fashionable 'New Brutalism' in the cinema00:02
Bunhill: Bad show00:02
Leading Article: Bush's unholy war00:02
Letter: Violence on set - but no sadism00:02
Football: Some cheer for Graham00:02
Letter: Agencies must co-operate to protect the mentally ill00:02
Sport in Short: Golf00:02
Cricket: Bowlers' butcher whose bat is his mouthpiece: Simon Hughes reveals the match-winning make-up of England's belligerent veteran Mike Gatting00:02
FOOD AND DRINK / How to pick a pukka chicken tikka: It's everywhere. But is it good? And above all, is it authentic? Michael Bateman and a team of experts set out in hot pursuit of the perfect Indian ready-made meal00:02
Secret lives of Kremlin wives: Andrew Higgins on the loneliness of women at the heart of Soviet power00:02
Indian shuffle00:02
Letter: Boost to Treasury income00:02
Leading Article: A passion for roads00:02
Private Lives?: Victims served on a plate for a news-hungry nation; the Public00:02
Letter: Obscure to some, admired by others00:02
Letter: Flags of convenience00:02
Medicine man casts a spell on Karadzic: Michael Sheridan reports from Geneva on how Lord Owen scored a victory over the Bosnian Serbs00:02
Showdown in Iraq: Images of glory deflated by pin-prick tactics: Baghdad sees signs of confusion as Clinton walks into the crossfire of a hot and cold running war; The US View00:02
Letter: Pay the plebs00:02
Football: Storm clouds gather over Liverpool: A 2-0 defeat at Wimbledon yesterday leaves Graeme Souness in even deeper trouble. Norman Fox reports00:02
Sport in Short: Hockey00:02
City File: Ladbroke's announcement expected to herald deals00:02
Sport in Short: Cycling00:02
Sport in Short: Rallying00:02
Airtours bid to cost pounds 10m00:02
Tennis: Sampras to play it fast and smooth: Richard Evans in Melbourne on the the Australian Open tennis prospects00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Children of two nations: 'The Long Night of White Chickens' - Francisco Goldman: Faber, 14.99 pounds00:02
Sport in Short: Basketball00:02
Letter: Press Control00:02
PROPERTY / Tips for Would-be Bidders00:02
Football: THE XI00:02
A year best forgotten: Hillsdown: Correction00:02
PROPERTY / Know your hammer drill: Docklands flats at pounds 41,500, Plymouth houses at pounds 10,000 - the biggest bargains are at auction. A private buyer's guide to professional purchasing, by Phil Dourado and Sandy Sulaiman00:02
Cold comfort for the perfect human body00:02
Why is this man so interested in my dustbin?: Chris Blackhurst lifts the lid on how far private investigators were prepared to go to track down leaks of information00:02
Letter: Obscure to some, admired by others00:02
Britain's doors are open to burglars: A survey out today says one in 10 homes has been broken into over the past three years. Vivien Goldsmith reports00:02
Sport in Short: Cricket00:02
FOOD AND DRINK / Glossary of Indian Dishes00:02
Plan to boost use of coal will save pits, say MPs00:02
Rugby Union: Hastings thrives on captaincy00:02
Debt offer to homeowners00:02
Golf: James makes move00:02
BAe hopeful00:02
ETCETERA / Bridge00:02
Football: Deane gets about Town00:02
Clarke in clash on right to silence00:02
Now & Then: 'Wife of my Heart'00:02
Rugby Union: 'The last quarter of an hour was an eternity': Twickenham's protagonists have their say00:02
Letter: Inverted nipples are no bar to breastfeeding00:02
How Great Was It Anyway?: There's a popular view of our history that goes like this: great industrial nation that died on the job; never had it so good, then lost it00:02
Profile: The height of fashion: Nicholas Faith charts the triumphs and tribulations of Bernard Arnault, whose cool leadership of the LVMH empire has been ruffled by write-downs at Guinness00:02
Home extension nearly toppled by planning mix-up: While one council office was approving the work, another was preparing an order for the family to tear it down00:02
Football: Outraged Gould on warpath00:02
Hope for Russia in new team00:02
Japan's Crime Incorporated: The years of the bubble economy lured Japan's yakuza gangs to muscle into big business. Terry McCarthy in Tokyo explores their corporate web00:02
Why is this man so interested in my dustbin?: Chris Blackhurst lifts the lid on how far private investigators were prepared to go to track down leaks of information00:02
Customer Relations: Bankers are taught to think small: A NatWest course puts branch managers on the other side of the window00:02
HEALTH / Common Procedures: Correction00:02
Letter: Pains of Smoking00:02
Rugby Union: Tordo proves tower of self-control: Richard Williams on the French captain's triumph in taming temperament00:02
Pension charges rise: Higher costs and commissions will lower the final value of policies00:02
Bomb damage cost hits flats00:02
Business Information Service: This Week00:02
Never-on-Sunday shop staff to lose protection00:02
Letter: Inverted nipples are no bar to breastfeeding00:02
Comedy stage veterans die00:02
Bidders line up for MCC publisher00:02
How a favourite airline stooped to conquer: BA had been caught out travelling the 'dirty tricks' route before. Nevertheless, the airline flew too low once again in its campaign against Virgin. Chris Blackhurst reports00:02
MOTORING / The battle for Land-Rover Britain: The Yanks have joined the fight for the 4x4 market. Roger Bell on Chrysler's Cherokee, Ford's Maverick and other top contenders00:02
Rugby Union: Revived Newport dent Neath's championship hopes00:02
UK Gold to relaunch as ratings slip00:02
Football: In pursuit of the impossible00:02
Best and worst: Managed Currency Funds00:02
Memo to John Birt: re gobbledygook: The BBC's outward-centred communications need objective-oriented enhancement, postulates Michael Leapman00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Infatuated foreign co-respondents: 'Contemplating Adultery: The Secret Life of a Victorian Woman' - Lotte and Joseph Hamburger: Macmillan, 14.99 pounds00:02
Letter: Agencies must co-operate to protect the mentally ill00:02
CLASSICAL MUSIC / Stars of tomorrow shine today00:02
Sport in Short: Bobsleigh00:02
City File: Merger test00:02
Some brief encounters with history: Underwear fashion has gone back to its foundations, with strange and perplexing results. Helen Fielding reports00:02
Letter: Why we had to finish Hitler00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Sins of a secular saint: 'La Pasionaria: The Spanish Firebrand' - Robert Low: Hutchinson, 17.99 pounds00:02
EXHIBITIONS / From modest shires imperialism flows: Is there a special relationship between the British and the art of watercolour? The Royal Academy seems to think so00:02
Letter: Cheaper CDs00:02
High-priced warranties keeping Dixons in profit00:02
Racing: Sybillin gives seniors a lesson00:02
CINEMA / So unfunny, it's disgusting00:02
UN aid convoy halted outside Muslim town00:02
Bunhill: Unfortunate coincidences00:02
Bunhill: Inside job00:02
Sport in Short: Squash00:02
Letter: Essex social workers are innocent00:02
How they brought the bad news from Oz to Kent00:02
Benefits flow both ways in exchange of managers00:02
Football: Composed Bannister00:02
Sales up by 33,00000:02
Space play00:02
HEALTH / Common Remedies: Cough mixture00:02
Captain Moonlight's Notebook: Reclaiming Robert Burns00:02
Fiennes hits Pole00:02
DANCE / One step forward ..00:02
Sport in Short: Ice Hockey00:02
Sport in Short: Tennis