The Pope has only added to the pressure society places on adults of a certain age to have children
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For Pope Francis to label people that opt for a pet over parenthood as selfish is hypocritical (‘Choosing to have pets instead of children “selfish”, says Pope’, News, 6 January). He has chosen a life that prevents him from being a parent and others should be allowed to make the same choice without criticism. However, it does shine a light on what has long been an irritation of mine, which is the pressure that society places on adults of a certain age to have children.
I enjoy being a parent, which is my choice, but I can see how nursery fees, which are comparable to my local prep school, could be a barrier for many. Others may decide parenthood is not for them and there are some who sadly can’t for medical reasons. So my plea, whether you are the Pope or a well-meaning friend, is everyone should assume that someone without children has at least considered parenthood and doesn’t need the insensitive probing interventions of others, nor should any justification be required. Being a parent shouldn’t affect your standing in society.
Paul Kelly
Are we being too generous?
Despite the prime minister’s humble apology, the revelations of his fund-seeking texts with a tycoon donor cast doubt on the opposition’s assertion that “it’s one rule for us and another rule for them”. Instead, it may be a case of “one rule for us and no rules at all for them”.
Bambos Charalambous
Let’s just see the real face of the Tories
Your 9 December editorial (‘Be careful what you wish for – Boris Johnson’s successor could be a whole lot worse’) warned those of us who want Boris Johnson out to be careful what we wish for. But it is becoming ever clearer that policy is now being driven by those who you were warning against: the libertarian, anti-masker, CRG, ex-ERG, Brexiteer, low income tax, shrink the state Tory rebels. Johnson, fearing for his job, is refusing to do anything about covid; Rishi Sunak, hoping for the top job, is refusing to raise income tax; Liz Truss, chasing the same thing, is no doubt about to turn all macho on Northern Ireland and Europe.
We might as well have the real thing openly rather than covertly in charge. I am fairly confident the nation will go off what they see, and right-wing extremism will be decisively rejected at the next election, just as Jeremy Corbyn was at the last.
Adrian Cosker
Animal equality
Congratulations to The Independent for giving coverage to one of the most fundamental questions facing the human race: our extreme cruelty towards the animal kingdom (‘What is animal equality?’, 7 January).
A cloud of unmovable dystopia hangs over the human race as it refuses to take cognisance of the unmitigated violence inflicted on the animal kingdom. All our progress and achievements fail to give us any peace as we deny peace and compassion to the animal kingdom. Future generations will fail to understand what possessed us. Better late than never, let us grant fundamental rights to animals and stop all abuse. In return, the planet will be restored to its former glory and future generations will have a habitable planet to live in.
Nitin Mehta
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