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Eubank vs Smith LIVE: Results from rematch after late TKO

Re-live updates after Eubank Jr avenged his stoppage loss to Smith

Alex Pattle
Combat Sports Correspondent
Monday 04 September 2023 04:06 EDT
Best moments from Netflix's Tyson Fury documentary

Chris Eubank Jr gained revenge against Liam Smith on Saturday, stopping his rival as the Britons returned to the scene of their first clash.

Smith dropped Eubank Jr twice at Manchester’s AO Arena in January before the referee waved off the middleweight bout, but the boxers’ roles were reversed on Saturday. In the same building, it was Eubank Jr who dropped Smith twice before securing a TKO in the 10th round.

Eubank Jr, 33, looked the slicker fighter all night, switching targets between the head and body while picking his shots wisely. Meanwhile, 35-year-old Smith looked languid and was watching rounds slip away from the first bell. The first knockdown came in the fourth round – the frame in which their first fight ended – as Smith was dropped to a knee and smartly spat out his mouthguard to buy time. In fact, he bought more than he might have imagined, briefly quelling Eubank Jr’s momentum.

When the action resumed, Eubank Jr sought a finish but – as it eluded him – he elected patience as the bout wore on. In the 10th round, however, he put down Smith again with a left hook after a fast start to the round. Smith let out a deep breath as he rose to beat the referee’s count, with blood trickling from a cut above his right eye. The Liverpudlian was only delaying the inevitable, however, as Eubank Jr backed him up to the ropes and unloaded shots, overwhelming Smith. Eventually, referee Kevin Parker stepped in to wave off the fight, sealing Eubank Jr’s redemption.

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Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Adam Azim vs Aram Faniian

Now here comes Azim.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:35

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Adam Azim vs Aram Faniian

Ukrainian Faniian emerges with his name on the big LED screen as ‘Fanyan’. I’ve seen it spelt both ways, as well as ‘Faniyan’ – but most commonly as Faniian, so we’ll stick with that tonight!

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:35

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Adam Azim vs Aram Faniian

Azim vs Faniian is moments away.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:30

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Adam Azim vs Aram Faniian

Next up, Adam Azim looks to stay unbeaten as he boxes Aram Faniian.

Want to learn a bit more about Azim? Well, here’s his promoter, Ben Shalom, with a chilling statement uttered with the most flattering of intentions: “We’re dealing with a freak.”

“He looks at a lot of the world champions and believes that he would beat them in his next fight,” Shalom told The Independent, unquestionably serious, his eyes shark-like. “And Shane [McGuigan, coach] believes that. This is not a joke.

“It’s high-risk, low-reward [for opponents]. I cannot tell you how feared this guy is; there’s world champions right now who would no way take a fight with him, even on a full camp’s notice, and I know that for a fact. We’re dealing with a freak, we’re dealing with a talent that you don’t see very often.”

More from Shalom below, and words from Azim himself:

‘We’re dealing with a freak’: Meet Adam Azim, the 21-year-old scaring world champions

Exclusive: The Independent spoke to the unbeaten Briton and his promoter, Boxxer’s Ben Shalom, as the pair prepare for the next step in Azim’s journey

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:17

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke def. David Allen

Frazer Clarke def. David Allen via sixth-round TKO (3:00).

Clarke raises Allen’s hand, and Allen returns the favour. It’s a display of mutual respect, but Allen still seems somewhat aggravated.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:12

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke vs David Allen

What’s gone on here?! Allen retires after the round, in his corner!!

He seems to be struggling with a jaw issue...

He congratulates Clarke but also has a bit of a go at him...

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:11

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke vs David Allen

Round 6

Oh, no... Clarke is docked a point for another low blow. AND ANOTHER, moments later!

Clarke seems to be leading this fight, but he can’t make any more mistakes now! Those docked points could have a real impact if this fight goes the distance.

Now Allen turns to the referee after a cross to the body by Clarke, but that was definitely legal, and the referee agrees.

Harsh uppercut by Clarke, right through Allen’s guard and onto the chin!

Oh, my word... AGAIN the fight is stopped due to an apparent low blow by Clarke. He’s not docked a point this time, but he is given a lecture by the referee. Clarke just needs to stop targeting the body; it’s not worth the risk!

He doesn’t quit, though. He slams a hook into the body, then attacks the head. Allen fires back.

OH! Massive right cross to the head from Clarke! What an end to a tough round for him.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:09

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke vs David Allen

(Action Images via Reuters)
Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:04

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke vs David Allen

Round 5

Again Clarke makes the most of his size in the clinch.

One minute into this round, and it’s been all grappling so far. Allen is warned for using his shoulder in the clinch.

Now Clarke is warned for something. Both fighters’ heads are in almost constant contact.

The crowd is getting a litttttle bit restless in Manchester.

Clarke with a couple of strong right uppercuts.

Again Clarke is warned over an apparent low blow. His left eye is dripping a slim streak blood, likely from a clash of heads – although it could have come from Allen.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 21:03

Eubank Jr vs Smith 2 LIVE: Frazer Clarke vs David Allen

Round 4

More grappling, with Clarke using his height and size to steer Allen around the ring.

Clarke troubles Allen with a body shot – but was it low? The referee didn’t have a good view.

Allen continues to wince, even after weathering the worst of that spell. He lands a solid overhand right now.

That shot is on point for Allen again, though there’s not a lot of power on it.

Clarke fires a jab from his hip on repeat.

Alex Pattle2 September 2023 20:59

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