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Biden mocks Trump at campaign stop on day after debate performance that left Democrats panicking: Live updates

Joe Biden and Donald Trump appeared on stage at CNN debate moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash

Biden addresses debate performance: ‘I don’t debate as well as I used to’

President Joe Biden gave a fiery speech to a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday, a day after he struggled badly in the first television debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle against Donald Trump, as Democrats looked on in horror.

Referring to Trump as a “one-man crime wave” the president acknowledged his age and limitations but said the stakes were too high and promised he could do the job.

Hoarse and raspy, Biden appeared frail during the CNN showdown in Atlanta, with the White House later saying he had a cold. Amid gaffes and misstatements, the president did later rally to rebuke Trump over his sordid personal history and record in office.

Trump repeated lies and falsehoods throughout, often failing to answer questions. He was pressed three times on whether he would accept November’s results.

In post-debate analysis, pundits discussed the possibility of Biden stepping down as the Democratic candidate. Lobbying for vice president Kamala Harris or state governors Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer to take over has reportedly begun.

CNN reported on Friday that Biden is not planning to drop out and intends to take part in a second debate in September.


Watch LIVE: Trump campaigns in Virginia after debate with Biden

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 20:00

Jill Biden: 'Joe tells the truth. Donald Trump lies every chance he gets’

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:53

Obama: ‘Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know'

Former president Barack Obama has spoken out after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance on Thursday night.

The 44th president famously had a bad first debate during his 2012 reelection campaign and was bested by then-Republican candidate Mitt Romney, who came across as strong and forceful compared to the lackluster incumbent. Nevertheless, Obama went on to win the White House for a second term.

The former president wrote on X: “Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:48

Breaking: Steve Bannon to report to jail on Monday after SCOTUS rejects appeal

(Getty Images)

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday, July 1 after the Supreme Court rejected his last-minute appeal to avoid his four-month sentence for defying subpoenas from the House select committee investigating the events of January 6.

This is a developing story...

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:42

Democrats in crisis: Who might be able to replace Joe Biden?

“Sleepy” Joe Biden just gave the Democratic Party a wake-up call. The concerns about the incumbent president’s age and mental fitness are not going away.

So what can his party do about it, if anything?

John Bowden reports.

If Biden stepped down as Democratic candidate, who could replace him?

The president just gave his party a reality check. Where can Democrats go from here?

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:40

EDITORIAL: Time for the torch to pass to a younger generation

Should Joe go? Even those who love him most have had to admit that his performance in the presidential debate with Donald Trump was concerning, to say the least. Some senior Democrat figures are reportedly of the opinion that it was a disaster.

After many years in which presidential debates have often been stale, enlivened occasionally by that rarest of TV moments, a “zinger”, the 90 minutes that President Biden spent arguing with President Trump turned out to be the most consequential such encounter since 1960, when the tanned, photogenic Jack Kennedy finished off sickly-looking Richard Nixon.

Neither of the 2024 candidates came close to replicating the high-minded and serious exchanges between the future presidents Kennedy and Nixon, but Mr Biden and Mr Trump’s often puerile, superficial and (especially on Mr Trump’s part) fictional contributions must make many Americans wonder afresh what they’ve done to deserve this choice. The low point was a hissy dispute about who is the better golfer.

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Time for the torch to pass to a younger generation

Editorial: With the cataclysm of a second Trump presidency looking more probable, the Democrats must find a way to replace Joe Biden after his disastrous TV debate – while they still can

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:25

Full story: Biden comes out swinging at Trump after debate disaster

Hours after struggling to keep up with Donald Trump’s avalanche of lies and failing to string together coherent sentences in his 90-minute debate with the former president,Joe Biden’s fired-up remarks to a rally crowd in North Carolina were night and day from last night’s disaster.

Andrew Feinberg and Alex Woodward report for The Independent.

Biden targets Trump’s lies after debate disaster: ‘I know how to tell the truth’

The president came out swinging in rally remarks in North Carolina hours after his debate with Trump

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:15

Watch: Biden calls Trump ‘one man crime wave’

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:10

‘Train wreck’ debate unites polarized networks with outlets agreeing Biden-Trump was a ‘disaster’

An extremely rare sight occurred in the early hours of this morning after the first 2024 presidental debate when news outlets – no matter what their political bent – all agreed, as one, that the match-up between Joe Biden and Donald Trump had been “disastrous.”

Left-leaning news outlets CNN and Bloomberg, as well as the right-leaning Fox News and The Washington Examiner, all used precisely that word to describe the outcome of the first head-to-head of this plighted election year.

Ariana Baio has more.

Polarized news outlets unite in agreeing Biden-Trump debate was a ‘disaster’

The outcome of Thursday night’s debate left many feeling discouraged about the president and networks united in their reactions

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:03

Jill Biden knows debate was bad but not near conclusions of other Democrats, report says

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden appear on stage at a campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024
President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden appear on stage at a campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024 (AP)

Katie Rogers of The New York Times reports that people familiar with Jill Biden’s thoughts on the president’s performance in the debate say she knows it was bad but that she is nowhere near the conclusion some Democrats suggest she should be — that of encouraging him to step aside.

“Today’s appearance makes that very obvious,” says Rogers.

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 19:00

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