RADIO / Just an old-fashioned dial: Robert Hanks on the Virgin flight of Britain's first nationwide commercial pop station00:02
Social Chapter 'cannot be resisted': Labour discussion paper puts Europe at 'heart of its policies'. Patricia Wynn Davies reports00:02
Gatting gashes left arm in accident00:02
Serbs press on with 'ethnic cleansing': Muslims and Croats ousted from homes hours after Karadzic signs Vance-Owen peace plan00:02
Health Update: Too many antibiotics00:02
Double blow00:02
Motor Racing: Soper through unscathed00:02
Letter: Legal profession adapting to public need00:02
Obituary: Dominique Bozo00:02
Sri Lanka leader catapulted to top: The simple and unassuming man who stepped into Premadasa's shoes may yet surprise00:02
UN takes over00:02
Sporting Digest: Baseball00:02
Health Update: Early detection of Down's syndrome risk00:02
ART / About town: Last rounds of the regeneration game: Dalya Alberge goes art-spotting with the judges of this year's 'Working for Cities' competition00:02
Sporting Digest: Motor Racing00:02
HIV blood trial opens in Paris00:02
Commodities and Futures: Dealers get nervous over diamonds' sparkle00:02
Regulators battle over increases in water bills: Rivers body days spending will only maintain quality of water, not improve it. Nicholas Schoon and Mary Fagan report00:02
NHS 'wastes millions' on computers for GPs: Doctors' systems are ineffective and incompatible, experts say. Tim Kelsey reports00:02
Dog rescued00:02
Letter: Sky's coverage of Premier League Football and other minority interests00:02
Business and City in Brief00:02
Letter: Measures against racism in the European Community00:02
Smaller Companies: Acquisition could help Kingston clean up00:02
Sporting Digest: Rallying00:02
Bishopsgate still no-go area: Falling glass keeps bomb area unsafe as damage to NatWest and Hongkong buildings is put at pounds 100m each00:02
Football: Hearts dismiss Jordan after Falkirk fiasco00:02
Peace, or myth wrapped up in a folly: The Vance-Owen plan salves the West's conscience but won't save Bosnia, says Jonathan Eyal00:02
Sporting Digest: Athletics00:02
Mandela visit00:02
Where are They Now: John Conteh00:02
BBC ends seafaring voyage for radio show: Seamen's programme to be axed after 50 years00:02
People: Catalonia's homage to Lennon the peacemaker00:02
Leading Article: Prescribing the right computer00:02
Letter: Sky's coverage of Premier League Football and other minority interests00:02
Rewards just beginning for Manchester United00:02
Denmark 'no' group rallies as rivals split00:02
Football: Crowning of the Champions: Giggs' art the star turn at the party: Old Trafford has a night to remember as Ince and Pallister finish with a flourish to ruin Rovers' ambitions00:02
Partner accused00:02
Obituary: Commander J. G. D. Ouvry00:02
Mine at risk from Alcan's threatened closure: Dispute over expensive coal may force Northumberland smelter to shut with loss of thousands of jobs00:02
Football: Ferguson faces future with funds to develop his dream: Joe Lovejoy suggests some likely targets in a summer of recruitment for the man of the moment at Old Trafford as thoughts turn to the quest for European Cup glory00:02
Letter: Free to choose our own holiday dates00:02
Letter: Use of the veto in the UN Security Council00:02
Sporting Digest: Swimming00:02
Magistrates to seek reform of unit fines: Talks with Clarke could lead to changes in means-related system00:02
Gay murder trial00:02
The Hunter Davies Interview: I can't be literary. My readers might not like it: How happy endings turned a Fulham housewife into a national pleasure00:02
Letter: Parents' influence00:02
Sporting Digest: Ice Hockey00:02
Eggar urged to stop coal pension fund 'raid': 'Maxwell-style' plans attacked by Labour00:02
Law Report: Standard fee for legal aid work lawful: Regina v Lord Chancellor, Ex parte the Law Society. Queen's Bench Divisional Court (Lord Justice Leggatt and Mr Justice McCullough). 30 April 1993.00:02
Andreotti smooths Italian turmoil: Former prime minister agrees to Mafia hearing00:02
Racing: Punters pay Homage to Piggott touch00:02
Gaullist suicide00:02
Football: Simply red ecstasy on a happy Monday for United: Phil Shaw witnesses the fans' flag-waving party which greeted the champions at Old Trafford00:02
Health Update: Elderly 'need sun'00:02
Football: Fan's Eye View: It is won and I love them all: No. 38: Manchester United00:02
Uproar as man faces two counts of murder00:02
Cricket: Gatting cut by glass after hitting door: Middlesex captain to miss one-day internationals after dressing-room injury requires stitches00:02
Engholm quits over 1987 poll scandal: SPD leader toppled by new revelations of how much he knew about dirty tricks00:02
Boeing to replace faulty part on all 747s: Badly designed engine pins blamed for fatal crashes in Amsterdam and Taiwan00:02
Colourful future for light-sensitive clothes: Fashion innovation no longer seen as a fad00:02
Blighted careers00:02
MUSIC / Casualties of war: Robert Maycock reviews the BBC SO at the Royal Festival Hall00:02
Letter: Sky's coverage of Premier League Football and other minority interests00:02
Travellers braving heat and dust on the Indian passage: Derick Allsop reports from Jodhpur, where the drivers in the London-Sydney Marathon had a palace for a pit-stop00:02
Sporting Digest: Golf00:02
Swimming: Hardcastle and Osher rule waves: Keller of Germany takes seven titles in Cardiff grand prix00:02
Off Oz00:02
Sporting Digest: Basketball00:02
Snooker: White gets no change out of Hendry: Scottish champion retains his world championship as the Londoner forgets his final lines00:02
Health Update: Sweet memories00:02
Leading Article: The business of running buses00:02
Leading Article: Channel crossings and the seasickness factor00:02
Murder remand00:02
Treasury changes tack on insider dealing: Guidance notes to be replaced by clearer legislation00:02
The daily poem00:02
Where is he now? And for how long?00:02
Letter: A golden economic opportunity00:02
THEATRE / At home with the Macbeths: Richard Loup-Nolan on Macbeth at the Tron Theatre in Glasgow. Plus Sunset Song and The Marowitz Hamlet00:02
Average household charged 50p a day00:02
Newbury will be a non-event, unless . . .00:02
Let the spectacle commence: As the Matrix Churchill hearings begin, Ian Leigh predicts discomfort in high places00:02
Sporting Digest: Football00:02
Cricket: Hooper dents Pakistan pride00:02
Court Circular00:02
Khmer Rouge attack town00:02
OPERA / Intimate apparel: Julian Rushton on Opera North's production of La Gioconda in Leeds00:02
TELEVISION / Briefing: Banger across the badlands00:02
Fed eyes London link in Iraq deals: Documents allege key British role in the financing of Saddam's weapons purchases00:02
Koresh was shot before fire00:02
Wine-maker dies00:02
In the spring, the strimmer's fancy lightly turns to . . .00:02
Rugby Union: Good home news at Tens: Gloucester's runaway win00:02
Democracy in the developing world00:02
Creativity: UN's secret weapon: the spud00:02
Eritrea hope00:02
Baseball: Bo knows it's hip to be back: Bo Jackson is back with a bang as well as a new joint. Richard Weekes reports00:02
Sailing: British Steel Challenge: Union betting on the breeze00:02
Nato obligations would force halt to Army cuts00:02
Racing: Prince to trump Abdullah's ace: Yet another of Henry Cecil's contenders for the Derby goes on trial in today's Chester Vase00:02
Heseltine faces egg-throwers: Communists disrupt Newbury by-election meeting. Patricia Wynn Davies reports00:02
Health Update: HRT and headaches00:02
Escobar letter00:02
New mayor00:02
Management blamed for high merger failure rate00:02
Unstoppable myths of ERM and recession00:02
The Balkan Crisis: Ceasefire presents Nato with nightmare00:02
Far left reclaims May Day for workers: Socialist Workers Party sets out its stall as the left's unofficial opposition to Labour. Alex Renton reports00:02
Letter: Free to choose our own holiday dates00:02
Football: Cwmbran ready for the elite of Europe: Trevor Haylett watches the winners of the first Konica League of Wales title secure their place alongside Manchester United in next season's Champions' Cup00:02
Letter: Need for a youth service is greater than ever00:02
Police shell-shocked00:02
Tennis: Seles felt she 'might die' after Hamburg court attack00:02
The girls from Tiger Bay head for the hills00:02
War strips southern Sudan bare: Tribal fighting among rebels has increased hunger, writes Richard Dowden in Kongor00:02
Cycling: Wind and rain no barrier to Dutchman00:02
Man on mini-cab bomb charge00:02
The Balkan crisis: US keeps its sights on war scenario: American generals remain wary of committing large numbers of ground troops in a country where long-term peace is far from assured00:02
Chess: Fischer eschews pawn in the hand00:02
Aids grants cut in tactical switch: Bottomley to target high-risk groups00:02
ART / Rubble without a cause: James Hall contemplates the cult of the fragment, sermons in stones and the impact of 'challenged' sculpture00:02
Obituary: Mick Ronson00:02
Sailing: Union in shipshape state: Stuart Alexander finds competitors spread far and wide as they head for home00:02
Do come and see the GP, as soon as you're better: The author writes on health matters and has drawn on personal experience for this article.00:02
Religious right shakes up NY school polls: Peter Pringle on a conservative rally against the liberal agenda in the classroom00:02
The Balkan Crisis: Bosnia Serbs loath to be 'uncleansed': The town refuses to be run by Muslims, writes Robert Block in Zvornik00:02
The bluffer's briefing: Maastricht00:02
Ireland ends grants to industry: Resources will be directed into technology and marketing00:02
Blimp maker comes down with a bump: The manufacturer of the world's smallest airship is up for sale, but still has high hopes. Robert Cole reports00:02
Health Update: Surgery delay00:02
Varying fines for offences 'unfair': Adam Sage spent a day in a Leeds court with magistrates operating the unit fines system Offenders must not be sentenced for their past history00:02
Letter: Free to choose our own holiday dates00:02
Clinton keeps Patten guessing00:02
Gaza deaths00:02
India riots00:02
Slow boat to Boulogne puts emphasis on pleasure: A former Isle of Man ferry aims to return nostalgia to the Channel crossing. David Hewson reports00:02
East German workers strike to enforce pay deal: Employers blame the recession for breaking their promise of parity with the west by 1994, writes Steve Crawshaw in Bonn00:02
Hockey: Captain sends Kingston on way to title00:02
County Council Polls: Election rivals who preferred pragmatism to party politics: Consensus reigns in Avon, but that could change on Thursday. Peter Dunn reports00:02
Sporting Digest: Cycling00:02
TELEVISION / Critical Eye00:02
Sporting Digest: Tennis00:02
Letter: Measures against racism in the European Community00:02
Tennis: Future bleak beyond Bates00:02
Health: From little monster to little angel: it's kids' play: Psychologists are teaching parents how to reform problem children with games. Jerome Burne sits in00:02
Boxing: Lewis investment promises to leave King at a loss: The British-born WBC heavyweight champion's lack of interest in raising his US profile is feeding Don King's conspiracy theories. Ken Jones reports from Las Vegas00:02
The Balkan Crisis: Military brains enter the fray: Christopher Bellamy in Split examines Serbian strategy that is creating order out of chaos00:02
Stock Exchange gets a new rival: Global Posit benefits from growing popularity of crossing networks00:02
Classic choice00:02
BOOK REVIEW / A bureaucrat goes native among the hill folk: Thangliena: The life of T H Lewin - John Whitehead: Kiscadale, pounds 14.9900:02
Today's number: 5800:02
Obituary: Catherine Richards00:02
Health: How Drew exercised his brain: Doctors gave up on a boy who was left with head injuries after an accident. Now he has six GCSEs. Angela Neustatter met him