Which side of the ‘Generation War’ are you on?

Please send your letters to letters@independent.co.uk

Friday 17 November 2017 11:58 EST
Next week's Budget is set to pit the young against the old
Next week's Budget is set to pit the young against the old

Another excellent article from Mary Dejevsky, this time on the inaccuracies to be found in such inter-generational arguments as often quoted between pensioners and the so-called “generation rent”, and the dangers arising therefrom.

Unfortunately, this intelligent analysis is unlikely to be read by the millions – of all age groups – whose opinions are formed by the tabloid, or red-top press (as it was once called) and by social media.

Though Mary says that the conflicting ideas between young and old should be scotched; I fear it is too late for that, and they will be neither scotched nor killed – to the detriment of social cohesion.

There is far too much casual generalisation in the world today. It is one of the inevitable results of mass media and consequent trivialisation. There are, for instance, large numbers of us in the pensioner bracket who voted Remain and who do not feed our grandchildren on chocolate doughnuts, who resent being continually grouped with those who do.

Rosemary Mathew

Have you heard about the massive discounts available for the under-25s? Big markdowns on: rent, bills and council tax? Unfortunately not; in reality the only thing reduced for us is our wages. Under 25 year-olds are excluded from the pitiful national living wage.

From 21-24 we can be paid as little as £7.05 per hour and for 18-20 a shocking £5.60! For doing exactly the same hours: in exactly the same job. Even working full time a 24-year-old might get as little as £14,500 per annum. And we’re far more likely to be on a zero-hours contract. You can’t build a life on that.

We want to move out, start families, make our own way in the world. We’ll never do that while being exploited as cheap labour for big retail and catering businesses. It’s time to fight for a real living wage for all.

Young skint Scottish Socialist Party member
West Lothian

A Ms-Understanding

Why is Grace Mugabe called Ms Mugabe by Kim Sengupta? Theresa May is usually referred to as Mrs May, but I see that you have started calling her Ms May as well. Is The Independent no longer recognising marital status? But Grace is described as Robert’s wife, and not his partner.

Ian K Watson

(To see why Ms is The Independent’s preferred house style – there is a comprehensive explanation in John Rentoul’s Mea Culpa)

An honourable project

At this week’s Remembrance Sunday service the vicar asked: will you strive for all that makes for peace? Will you seek to heal the wounds of war? Will you work for a just future for all humanity? And the congregation was invited to respond “I will” to each of these questions.

How neatly these aims encapsulate the aspirations of the European Union and its predecessors. And how sad it is to think that our once responsible and internationalist country is about to withdraw from this honourable project.

Robert Curtis

The Elephant in the room

Donald Trump had better hope that the adage “an elephant never forgets” doesn’t come into play if ever he is persuaded to go on safari in either Zimbabwe or Zambia!

Sarah Pegg
East Sussex

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