Scrapping EU regulations won’t grow our economy
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Liz Truss’s aim to scrap all EU heritage regulations in the UK is spiteful as well as plain dangerous. These regulations exist for a good reason and the UK was very much involved in creating them.
They serve to protect our people, our foods and our environment so that society as a whole is safer, and our economy is more sustainable for the future.
It seems that the primary motivation for this proposal is simply that the regulations derive from our time in the EU. Scrapping them will not assist economic growth, because any material divergence from widely accepted norms risks increasing trade barriers with key markets, and creating alternative standards risks increasing barriers for importers.
The only “success” from what will be portrayed as a “Brexit freedom” would be short-term and would assist this country’s race to the bottom.
Charles Wood Birmingham
Twelve years of mismanagement
This irresponsible government cannot possibly continue in power any longer. The last four PMs – Cameron, May, Johnson and now Truss – have, between them, critically wounded Britain by leaving the EU, Covid-19 gross mismanagement, lack of financial and business planning, corrupt and deceitful governance and 12 years of a totally disorganised party and government.
Apart from the latest illogical and absurd “mini-Budget” the Tories don’t seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet. Ms Braverman is, evidentially, being sidelined, Mr Kwarteng has been told to U-turn on the 45 per cent tax band and Ms Truss is contradicting herself and other Tory ministers. MPs are still being suspended for various reasons. The party seems still to be in disarray and hell-bent on implosion.
How can we possibly rely on Ms Truss’s government to stop the impending chaos? She is presiding over a woefully inadequate government which doesn’t have the will of the people behind it nor the ability to right the wrongs of her predecessors.
The woes of the country have been vested upon us through the mismanagement of the Tories, which Ms Truss’s government is incapable of reversing. It is arrogant of them to believe that they have the right to ride roughshod over the needs of the people while dressing their abortive actions as “there is no other way”.
This government, like the previous three, has no idea of how to end the chaos. It’s about time to elect a government which can turn the tide of their devastating tenure.
Keith Poole Basingstoke
Experts deserve our thanks
It is no surprise that experts like Kit Yates have been vilified for their good expert advice by anonymous cowards. It’s no more than one can expect from conspiracy theorists who are no more than liars and mischief makers.
Also, one does not expect anything better of the right-wing press and cronies of this far-right Tory party, who must take the blame for the many deaths and chronic failings that led to the extent of the pandemic in the UK.
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All the scientists and expert Sage advisers should be given the correct thanks from us all, for without them we would have suffered far greater loss of life and much harder a journey back to a normal life, when we get there.
Mike Coomber Address supplied
Nobel Peace Prize
As our world is wrestling with challenges such as climate change, global warming, environmental degradation, water and air pollution, hurricanes, droughts, water scarcity, the refugee crisis, uncontrolled immigration, racism, discrimination, social marginalisation, communicable and non-communicable diseases, transboundary pandemics, and many more ills, Alfred Nobel’s vision of peace is sorely missed.
It is time to move beyond mere prizes and hollow words and strive to build a fairer, cleaner and just world for all.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob London
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