LETTERS : Myths encourage friction among blacks

Natasha Landers
Tuesday 31 January 1995 19:02 EST

Sir: I have just finished reading Esther Oxford's article "Single black attitude" (30 January) and I am incensed that yet again another article is printed presenting the black population in a negative way. I refer to the generalisations made about both black and white women making sweeping stereotypes about their sexual preferences and prowess.

Instead of asking what the British government is prepared to do to rectify the inequalities that result in six out of 10 black men (aged between 16 and 25) being unemployed, the article refers to their "lackadaisical attitude" and that they are "too afraid to try". To me, an aspiring successful black woman with a positive black partner, the real issue should be where these negative feelings stem from and how can we begin to change black people's attitude towards their colour.

Yours faithfully, Natasha Landers London, E10

30 January

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