LETTER: Forget the book, let's see what he looks like

Stephen Gallagher
Saturday 08 April 1995 18:02 EDT

WELL, chaps, now it's our turn to find out how the cattle market's run ("The reading woman's crumpet", 2 April). Suzi Feay's article put me in mind of an experience a couple of years ago, when the publicist assigned to one of my novels was trying to tempt Elle magazine into running a review. Word came back from the magazine that the decision was in the balance and that they'd asked to see a photograph of the author. A photograph was sent over; the review never ran.

Probably for some unrelated reason, of course. I no longer burst into tears at socially awkward moments, but I do still wear the bag over my head whenever I can't avoid going out.

Stephen Gallagher

Blackburn, Lancashire

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