The new rules around mask wearing should come in now – not on Tuesday

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Sunday 28 November 2021 14:10 EST
Mask wearers on the streets of London this week
Mask wearers on the streets of London this week (EPA)

Ian Henderson of Norfolk is quite right.

What on earth is the government thinking – if anything – in not introducing the mask-wearing rule immediately, instead of this Tuesday? I have just returned from my local supermarket, and have seen most of the staff, and lots of customers, without any face covering.

No wonder this incompetent government cannot be trusted to keep us safe.

Patrick Moore


I have never worn a mask and I don’t want to see a single mask in the shops ever again.

Jonathan Castro


Refugees welcome

It is heartbreaking as a second-generation Indian to hear of the plight of desperate migrants. What does it say about our government that we can't welcome these desperate people?

Kartar Uppal

Sutton Coldfield

Help needed

At the time of the Brexit debate I recall saying we needed European cooperation on all sorts of issues, including immigration only to be forcibly told “that’s what the Channel is for”.

Circumstances may well force us to reconsider our post-war welfare system and internal security. This will be difficult and painful, we certainly don’t want a discriminatory system as this would destabilise the UK but we should at least look at bringing our rules more in line with our European neighbours, as the migrants on the French coast clearly don’t want to be there, they want to be here – what can the French do?

John Simpson


No shopping

Boxing Day is a most integral part of Christmas – and in Germany it is sometimes called called “Second Christmas Day” and thus is about unashamed chilling out – not the “sales”.

Well done to the the great retail names such as Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, M&S, Aldi, Lidl, Iceland and Poundland who have recognised Boxing Day as “Second Christmas Day” by closing their doors. Hopefully others will join this roll call of honour.

I believe such a proposition makes sound commercial sense. More goods would be bought before a two day Christmas closure - and that feeds into productivity and shareholder value.

John Barstow

Address supplied

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