Whatever the solution to who holds power in government, politicians must work together

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Friday 09 June 2017 14:07 EDT
DUP leader Arlene Foster with Theresa May: reader John Barstow praises an alliance that he says may make a government more representative of the whole UK
DUP leader Arlene Foster with Theresa May: reader John Barstow praises an alliance that he says may make a government more representative of the whole UK (Charles McQuillan/PA Wire)

On Nick Clegg's speech as he was voted out by his Sheffield Hallam constituency, I was moved by how humble and dignified he seemed to take it even when it clearly pained him. But what's more, I applaud his plea. For too long, the politics of the day has seen us cast ourselves further into left/right divides, effectively putting our hands over our ears to each other’s legitimate complaints.

We must reach out but in a way that benefits both sides without seeming to be just cherry picking the best bits from either side. Perhaps we should take a step back and see just how much damage has been wreaked by all parties, not just the Conservatives (although they have a huge part in it). My hope is that we take heed of what he has said.

David Murphy
Address supplied

Brexit negotiations

In light of our political situation, why don't we appoint negotiators for Brexit from outside the Government? In that way, we could be assured of continuity, even if we do have another election.

Sarah Pegg

Bring in Keir Starmer

The results of the general election reflect the public's aversion to the hard Brexit policy currently pursued by a Conservative Government now only able to sustain a parliamentary majority with the support of the Irish DUP. In the light of this I believe the Brexit negotiating team should comprise of our best negotiators, whatever political party they represent. In which case it would make sense to include Sir Keir Starmer QC to replace a current member of the team.

Anne MacCallum
Milton Keynes

There is a possible way out of the mess following the election. May should invite the skilful, trusted and well-briefed Sir Keir Starmer to lead the negotiations with the EU. The UK would then be given its best shot at meeting a tight timetable. Cross-party co-operation on the major issue of Brexit would require all-round statesmanship in uncertain times. It would prepare the way for parliament or the electorate to consider a better framed choice of options.

Steven Fogel
London NW11

The right choice for government

It is imperative for the country that May forms a coalition with Northern Ireland Unionist MPs. It is a golden opportunity to form a government genuinely representative of both parts of the United Kingdom.

And a fully UK-wide infrastructure should be an integral part of such a government's programme including the construction of a north channel tunnel to connect both parts of our United Kingdom. Since the reign of Queen Victoria this proposition has been discussed.

John Barstow

Wounded she may be, and having lost much of her authority, Theresa May has to stay on as prime minister. Why? Because the Brexit clock is ticking and we need to get on with negotiating. For the same reason, another election is out of the question until the negotiations are concluded. “The people” have spoken and she should make the best of the hand they/we have dealt her, however poor.

But perhaps – let us hope – she will pull back from the ultra-hard Brexit she promised, and that she will adopt a more consensual approach, both within Parliament and with the EU.

Philip Nalpanis
St Albans

A win for May?

In my view, May called the election in order to get precisely this result, knowing the outcome would water down Brexit or scupper it entirely. Why? I don't much care for her but I do believe she puts “duty” before everything else. She didn't want to leave Europe and thinks staying in is better for the country. Maybe she was prepared to sacrifice her own credibility and career to achieve this and it was an intelligently calculated strategy, along with the decision not to appear in debates which she clearly knew would give Corbyn the edge.

She maybe even have thought he could win. And for all we know maybe that walk she took with her husband before calling the unexpected election had made her think twice about spending the rest of the best of her years doing a 24/7 job maybe she never wanted to do in the first place, or at least gave her the quiet satisfaction of knowing she'd scuppered Brexit.

Barbara Baker

If anyone has done anything to put a spanner in the Brexit talks, it must be Theresa May. I wonder if it was a cunning plan?

Ron Mure

Arrogance doesn’t get far

As in the EU referendum, the British public deliver another slap in the face to Tory arrogance.

How incredibly irresponsible of May to trigger Article 50 and set the negotiation clock running, then call an election and then in effect lose it. How much time and influence has been lost?

Both elections have been shameful examples of putting party before country.

Debbie Stamper

Election verdict

No government is better than a bad government.

Mark Evens

Representing Scotland

Now that the Scottish people have chosen the politicians who will represent them in London, I think we ought to reflect more on who will not represent them. I am referring to the anti-independence, Tory/Labour/Lib-Dem collateral delegates who, just as they have been since time immemorial, will unfortunately be reduced to sidelined lateral delegates when voices for Scotland are urgently needed.

Thankfully, however, Scotland will still have 35 SNP voices in Westminster passionately promoting the best interests of “everyone” in Scotland.

Ever since England voted to turn its back on Europe there has being nothing but chaos, with not one politician able, or perhaps even willing, to take the reins in a positive manner and convince the people that someone, somewhere knows where we’re heading.

Had we Scots rid ourselves of these shackles when we had the opportunity at the indyref in 2014, we would now be enormously relieved that we distanced ourselves from the complex disorder.

William Burns


I wondered what we might discover today about Theresa May’s capacity to learn from her mistakes. Her speech at Downing Street after visiting the Queen indicated that so far she is incapable of even acknowledging them. In a few short words she demonstrated again all the arrogance and bravado that characterised her campaign. She spoke of her new best friends the DUP and substituted “strong and stable” with her new buzzword “certainty”. It was shocking to realise that she actually thinks that the general election was not even a blip, but just a page to be turned.

Catherine Smedley
​Lacapelle-Livron, France

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