The climate crisis will make migration worse – we need to find our humanity before then
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I agree entirely with your comments on the grotesque mismanagement of the migrant crisis that has been allowed, like much under this Conservative government, to run out of control. The demonising of those who are only seeking to make a better life and contribute to our society is short-sighted, callous and immoral; it does not represent the country to which I belong.
There is, however, a further, more serious, point to be made. The mass movement of people has only just started; faced with the cataclysmic outcomes of the climate crisis, which the current government is doing little to combat, our children’s children will be forced to manage a massive influx of people moving from areas made uninhabitable by the profligacy of previous generations.
In the interest of their future wellbeing, we need to adopt policies and practices that are not just compassionate and reasonable, but also founded on an international and cooperative response that is in accord with – and supportive of – other nations. Cutting our international aid budget, while also failing to work in concert with our near neighbours, will not secure our children’s perilous future.
It is not enough to be ashamed of what this government says and does on our behalf; in the interest of future generations, we need to be rid of them and consign them to a shameful chapter in our nation’s history, from which we will learn never to return.
Graham Powell
Tories need to shoulder the blame for their failures
There’s no integrity from this Conservative government. Last night they branded all immigrants invaders, and tried to imply the vast majority are Albanian gangsters. All this while also trying to blame others for their own 12 years of failure.
They need to own their disgrace around this. Things have continually deteriorated on the failed Tory watch.
Dale Hughes
Address supplied
Pay to play
Rishi Sunak has removed the whip from Matt Hancock because he says he expects his MPs to do the work they are paid for. Surprisingly, no similar action has been taken against Boris Johnson, who sees no problem swanning off on family holidays when he is supposed to be either in parliament or working for his constituents.
Geoff Forward
Matt Hancock should leave room for seconds
If ever anyone is deserving of eating the most disgusting of creatures night after night on prime TV then that person should be the ex-minister for health. Enjoy the feast, Matt Hancock.
Paul Morrison
Say no to ‘sportswashing’
I admire the work of the Amputee Football Association Scotland in general, but they are about to play the Israel Amputee Football team in a tournament held in Scotland. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem have concluded that Israeli practices of oppression and dominion over Palestinians meet the international definition of apartheid. Not only that, the Israeli army (IDF) have created a reign of terror that has systematically inflicted thousands of limb injuries, many leading to amputation on Palestinians.
By playing against Israel, it feels to me like the Scottish amputee football team are helping to “sportswash” Israel’s brutal regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid.
Israel’s cruelty towards Palestinians was brought to light during the “Great March of Return” in Gaza from 2018 to 2019, when unarmed Palestinians walked towards the Israeli separation fence where they were mown down by Israeli snipers. More than 7,500 Palestinians were injured by live bullets, and 148 directly resulted in amputations. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz interviewed some IDF snipers who were quoted in the newspaper as saying, “Knees were the hardest thing to rack up … I brought in 78 knees in one day.” Another said, “On that day, our pair had the largest number of hits: 42 in all.”
Many athletes and teams around the world are refusing to normalise Israeli apartheid, and surely teams in Scotland could follow their example and not invite teams representing Israel.
Gerry Coutts
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Get Matt Hancock out of here
I feel compelled to offer my sincere congratulations to Matt Hancock, for finding his true vocation in life. It is more important than most people believe.
After leaving Australia, my humble advice to the ex-health secretary would be to join the celebrity game show circuit, both here and abroad. Probably best to avoid his old constituency or Westminster though.
Robert Boston
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