Why are Brexit-backing Labour MPs voting to make their constituents poorer?
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It seems like some Labour MPs do believe you can polish a turd.
Lisa Nandy justified voting for Johnson’s Brexit deal because she is going to improve it when each bit of the bill goes through parliament and is voted on. We’ve been here before, when the same sorry excuses are trotted out for voting against something that should be anathema to the Labour Party. She and MPs like Jim Fitzpatrick, Ruth Smeeth, Jon Cruddas and Gloria De Piero actually voted to make their constituents, some who live in the poorest part of the UK, worse off.
They failed to protect jobs and the economy; failed to protect each region and nation in the United Kingdom. They claim they are representing their constituents, but nobody voted for this.
Many in the north of England and in Wales were opposing austerity as much as unlimited immigration when they voted for Leave, now they are going to be force-fed something even worse than austerity, by the very people they elected to look out for them. This vote was about them being scared of losing their jobs, hopefully, their constituents aren’t half as stupid as this lot think they are and will pay them back in kind.
Julie Partridge
We need a concerted effort against the traffickers
The tragic death of 39 people found in a truck in an industrial estate east of London speaks much louder than the number alone. The fact looms largely that heinous crimes are committed by unscrupulous smugglers who couldn’t care less about their “human cargo”.
Men, women, even young children, are easy prey for abuse and inhuman exploitation at the hands of human traffickers who work seamlessly through elaborate and well-financed networks across the world.
Rising figures for deaths represent global miseries escalated by poverty, a humanitarian catastrophe capitalised upon by ruthless and organised cartels.
Considering that the vulnerable fleeing folk usually hail from nations in the throes of conflict, choking the point of origin would be an impossible task to accomplish. Preemptive measures can be effective, but would require joint efforts by the EU and other nations that are targeted by smugglers with the cooperation of countries that happen to be the preferred route for traffickers across land and sea routes.
Atul M Karnik
New York
Listen to Farage!
Nigel Farage gets minimal space from the broadcast media even though he has provided the best Brexit story of the week.
In the event of a Final Say referendum, he says we should vote against leaving. His argument is that the Boris deal is so bad that we would do better to remain and fight another day.
The case for the People’s Vote gets stronger every day.
Tim Ambler
The Meghan Markle abuse isn’t hard to work out
I would describe myself politically as anti-royalist but as a mixed-race woman living through some of the most intolerant, jingoistic times in UK history, I have huge sympathy for Meghan Markle on a human level.
If the ignorant, rich white folk sniggering at the black minister who married her didn’t give her a clue to how things were going to go down, I don’t know what would.
She is the most beautiful royal we’ve had, and yet is regularly slated for her looks. She has the most poise, but is slated for her demeanour. The family she has married into makes her own look like the Waltons and yet any family dirt the press can uncover is fanned by the greedy media.
There is one simple way to explain all this – it is an utterly toxic mix of snobbery and racism.
Amanda Baker
Praise for the Lebanese protestors
The mass protests in Lebanon build a powerful case for expanding the pillars of good governance – transparency, accountability and efficiency – across large swathes of the Arab world.
The simmering rage and disenchantment with the political elites were palpable, but not a single bullet was fired, no mosque or church was attacked and not a single divisive or racist statement was uttered.
The Lebanese people have, therefore, demonstrated unrivalled gallantry, fortitude and forbearance in the face of such social and political upheaval. Like Jordanians, they also bore the brunt of the refugee crisis.
The global community must leave no stone unturned in helping this great nation rising on its feet.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob
The Final Say is a family affair
I wish to add my signature to the letter supporting the appeal for a public Final Say on Brexit.
As an 83-year-old, proudly Welsh and European grandfather with three sizeable families, totalling 31 multilingual Remainers, I fear for both their cultural and economic prosperity if we were to leave the EU.
Dr David Gareth Edwards
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