The welfare system needs to be compassionate – and meet genuine need
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In a civilised country the level of benefits should rise or fall automatically with the cost of living. We are told the £20 universal credit uplift was a temporary measure. That however will be no comfort to people facing a choice between eating and heating this winter.
Whether in times of pandemic or not there should be mechanisms in place in our social security system which mean that payments will be promptly and adequately adjusted to meet genuine need.
The Rev Andrew McLuskey
The government should cater to the needs of the most vulnerable in society so that universal credit will truly work for everyone. The goal is clear: a British welfare system that embodies compassion, fairness and tolerance; transforms peoples' lives, enhances their financial circumstances, social wellbeing and health.
Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob
Levelling up
Mark Watson rightly argues that continuing to make shows digitally available is a big leveller and specially helpful to those with disabilities.
A similar argument applies to large conferences, party political or otherwise, with added “levelling up” advantages for meetings held far away and environmental gains where air travel can be avoided.
Steven Fogel
“Levelling up” seems to be yet another buzzword that lacks substance and any coherent idea of how levelling up might be done. For it to have any meaning it has to mean putting money into peoples' pockets who earn less than the average income. In practice that would mean raising the tax free allowance to around £26,000 and raising the tax burden on the highest earners. This is not a vindictive proposal to “tax the rich”, but a way of introducing fairness and equity into national taxation.
Lyn Atterbury
No rationing
Surely there is no need to ration treatments in the NHS?
After all, wasn’t there some pre-Brexit promise about an extra £350m a week being recovered to fund our amazing health service?
So where is it? I think we should be told.
Pamela Hibbert
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