Boris Johnson is a naughty schoolboy in a suit

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Saturday 25 March 2023 14:26 EDT
I was watching an adult, but hearing a child
I was watching an adult, but hearing a child (PA)

As a former teacher, I found watching Boris Johnson’s appearance before the Parliamentary Privileges Committee a profoundly disturbing experience. I was watching an adult, but hearing a child.

When coming to terms with the world around them a small child will, at times, see nothing wrong in denying the truth or creating an alternative reality into which they can escape. “I didn’t eat the chocolate biscuit, and I certainly don’t know how chocolate got on to my face!”

Most people learn quickly the damaging cost of dishonesty in important matters to those around them, and to their own image and reputation. Mr Johnson seems unable to detect “important matters” and consequently, he blunders on trivialising his dishonesty as no more than cheating in a game of Snakes and Ladders.

I assume that in his book of Classical Phrases to Impress an Audience he has edited out Veritas vos liberabit: the truth will set you free!

John Dillon


Oxfam’s language guide is a net good

I wonder how many of those criticising Oxfam’s “Inclusive Language Guide” have actually bothered to read it? I read all 92 pages, and I must say I found it to be eminently sensible. Engaging with the nuances of language, developing insight into the way language affects others, influences our thinking and perpetuates unconscious biases are things which require perspicacity and intelligence; attributes deplorably lacking in so many.

Unless you’ve been raped, I don’t suppose you’ll really appreciate the difference between being called a “victim of rape” or a “survivor of rape”, but for such people, it is certainly important.

Regarding menstruation as unclean demeans women and in some parts of the world deprives them of education. Why then do we call menstrual products “sanitary products” or “feminine hygiene products”; terms loaded with ideas of uncleanliness?

Why are those who are “anti-abortion” referred to as “pro-life”? Are women who choose abortion then “pro-death”?

Any person crossing an international border could potentially be an asylum seeker, and yet the term “illegal immigrant” dehumanises such people and makes them sound like vermin. These examples are just a taste of the important points this valuable document makes, for those who take the trouble to read it properly.

Dr Daniel Emlyn-Jones


What exactly is Trump trying to accomplish with his rhetoric?

Former president Donald Trump is facing possible indictment in New York City for alleged illegal accounting practices related to hush money payments to a porn star. Last week he urged his supporters, in all capital letters, "PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!"

This week he elaborated: "[I]t is known by all ... that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?"

I’m not saying Trump is encouraging another riot like 6 January, 2021; but it sure seems like he isn’t discouraging it. Regardless of motive, it is not a good look for a former president.

Mike Barrett


Car shows like Top Gear should do more to encourage safe driving

I doubt we will ever see a motoring-based TV show where safe sensible driving is advocated, as it wouldn’t attract the viewers.

However, that doesn’t mean we have to be subjected to endless views of moronic young men – and it is predominantly men – driving fast cars recklessly (albeit on private land).

The results of this type of attitude were seen again with another crash involving a Top Gear presenter. Just how much of this thoughtless behaviour is a factor in the accidents I see every week on my travels on the public highway, often involving other innocent motorists, is hard to tell; nevertheless this promotion of driving at excessive speed should cease, even at the cost of ratings.

Geoff Forward


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