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The British people have had enough and are no longer fooled

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Friday 16 June 2023 13:12 EDT
We are sick of the feeble excuses, the attempts to deflect and the faux outrage of Johnson’s supporters
We are sick of the feeble excuses, the attempts to deflect and the faux outrage of Johnson’s supporters (Getty)

Soon MPs will have the opportunity to vote on the report by the Privileges Committee on whether Boris Johnson misled parliament and whether or not he undermined democracy by his subsequent reaction to the sight of the report.

I am already sick of the feeble excuses, the attempts to deflect and the faux outrage of Johnson’s supporters as well as the efforts, on social media, to ignite another pathetic culture war. The British people have had enough of this and are no longer fooled.

Throughout this period of Conservative misrule, numerous Tory MPs have placed their own self-interest above that of the country. They have been willing to turn a blind eye to attacks on constitutional convention, international law, human rights, social justice and ignored the dishonest campaign to leave the EU. Even the few ostensibly honest, decent Tory MPs have sometimes colluded or, at best, remained silent when a voice was desperately needed.

Well, now is your chance to put the record straight. Turn up – this is crucial – and vote for democracy, honesty and integrity. If you stay away we will know where your loyalty rests. If you vote against the report you will reveal your failure of moral courage. There will be nowhere to hide. You represent your weary constituents, not your local Conservative hierarchy. Finally, you have a chance to do the right thing – no obfuscation, no hand-wringing, no duplicity and no hiding.

David Lowndes


Sunak needs to step up

It seems possible that Rishi Sunak may be absent from the debate on the Privileges Committee’s findings.

It would be further evidence, were it needed, of the prime minister’s weakness, but above all his lack of real leadership qualities at a time when they are so much required.

Sunak should at the very least make it clear he supports the Committee and its findings, and advise his MPs on how they should vote, including sanctioning Johnson with the withdrawal of his Westminster pass.

Better, but unlikely, he should announce withdrawal of the ex-PM’s pension, his membership of the Privy Council and revocation of the recent “honours” list.

Richard Lloyd


Boris’s buddies should share his demise

The shambolic, cowardly group of Boris Johnson supporters currently churning out the nonsensical vitriol are surely people who should not be elected to govern. Many of them are running to their favourite bolthole in order to save face. Evidenced by the fact that many are thought not to attend the commons debate and vote on Monday.

For many it didn’t need a Privilege Committee investigation to establish whether Boris lied or not, history has shown he is an inveterate liar and charlatan. The cavalier way Boris drew down Britain to his level in the cesspit, which his party allowed and aided him ought to be punished, let alone for his partying antics. It is scandalous that common sense and probity are missing from those that support, or once supported him.

Surely these less than believable people ought to be brought to book. They encouraged and gave license to Boris so should share in his demise. I do hope that we soon will only see Johnson in the review mirror of history and those that supported him left to fade into the ether.

Keith Poole


We need a bit more boring

Lest we forget this whole sorry saga commenced when David Cameron called the EU referendum. The entire campaign was based on lies, exaggerations and a stream of false nostalgia. Therefore it was hardly surprising that a serial liar like Johnson stood up to the plate to lead us into the disaster now called Brexit.

This then presaged the three worst prime ministers in our nation’s history. When the pandemic hit it did not change Johnson’s attitude at all – disinterest in important detail, indolence, mendacity and boozing. Then finally he lied about lying!

I shall not lament the political demise of Johnson, I shall not lament how low he now goes and he surely will. Our politicians now need to ensure that never again is this country hijacked by a narcissistic immoral charlatan. Old-style politicians tended to lean towards boring, but that is what we need now. Boring proper politicians, who can rebuild this country and eventually lead us back to the EU.

Robert Boston


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