Letter: Who says that dialects and grammar do not mix?
SOME LINGUISTS may argue 'them photos' and 'could of' are part of an 'acceptable and consistent dialect grammar in Lancashire' ('Illiterate England, 7 February). Are they not being disingenuous? 'Could of' is not Lancashire dialect. It is used all over the country by people who do not understand the role and parts of the verb 'to have'.
A knowledge of grammar frees people to compete on equal terms. This does not preclude people from adding the richness of regional idiom and vocabulary to their speech, but it does prevent them from being thought ignorant.
It angers and saddens me to see bright young people trying to get jobs in journalism and related fields who are unemployable because of the last 20 years of laissez-faire teaching. It is surely perfectly possible to be fluent and creative, and use the marvellous instrument of our language with precision and accuracy at the same time. You would hardly expect to play in an orchestra if you could neither read music nor hit the right notes. Why do we have such a dismissive attitude to language?
Valerie Cottle
Douglas, Isle of Man
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