LETTER:Sharing theatrical production costs

Mr Patrick J. Wilson
Thursday 01 June 1995 18:02 EDT

From Mr Patrick J. Wilson

Sir: Co-production between theatres ("Co-productions alone cannot keep curtains rising", 31 May) can also include partnerships with commercial producers as one way to relieve the financial crisis of regional theatres in England. Such companies are able to provide the investment, ideas, management and expertise which allow regional repertory theatres to generate extra income from their productions through tours and West End transfers. The theatres also benefit from shared costs and by reaching wider audiences.

You cite the case of Arthur Miller's A View From The Bridge, currently at the Strand Theatre in London. This is not just the result of a co-production between two subsidised theatres - Bristol Old Vic and Birmingham Rep - as it would seem from your article. Rather, it is the fruit of a partnership between these two organisations and my company, Pericles Productions.

Of course, commercial producers such as myself are in the business of securing a profit but, in the process, we help contribute substantially to the coffers of our subsidised colleagues and partners, as has been proven time and again. Your article may omit such a fact but it is one that the regional theatres cannot afford to forget.

Yours faithfully,



Pericles Productions

London, W1

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