Letter: Church's unchanging doctrine on homosexuality

Mr Dominic Echlin
Tuesday 14 March 1995 19:02 EST

From Mr Dominic Echlin

Sir: The Rev Struan Dunn (letter, 11 March) believes that gay Christians and, in particular, gay priests, should remain silent about their sexuality. He cannot support any "coming out" because he is accountable to his parishioners and they surely couldn't tolerate homosexuals in the Church.

I grew up in the Church in South Gillingham, the Rev Dunn's parish. His parishioners didn't reject me for being gay, rather they have given me much love and support.

While bishops and many priests struggle with their theological and doctrinal niceties, it seems the ordinary churchgoers are steps ahead in accepting gay men and lesbians as part of the "family".

Yours faithfully,


London, N1

11 March

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