Letter: Blair's packed House no gain for democracy

Martin Oakes
Friday 07 March 1997 19:02 EST

Sir: Have I got this right? According to Fran Abrams ("Blair's lords-a-leaping ready to bring down the house", 5 March), to make the House of Lords more democratic the plan is to replace those Lords who are there simply because their ancestors did a favour for Charles II, Gladstone or whoever with people who have done a favour for Tony Blair.

Whilst the peers to be replaced are now not beholden to anybody and may vote in the way they feel is in the national interest, one of the requirements of their replacements is that they will vote for whatever Tony Blair tells them to.

It might remove the inbuilt Tory majority, but it is hardly a move in the direction of a more democratic Britain.


Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

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