Letter: A free flow of traffic despite security scheme

Mr Michael Cassidy
Monday 05 July 1993 18:02 EDT

Sir: I welcome your leading article in today's paper on the subject of the traffic measures in the city ('Safe and sound in the Square Mile', 5 July). These proved much less disruptive than previous speculation had suggested. Apart from one or two specific areas, which we are working hard to correct today, traffic flowed freely through the City, and we expect that, by Thursday, the majority of motorists will have adjusted to the new routes.

This new scheme is one of a number of measures we shall put forward to improve security in the City. When we first announced, more than a month ago, that we were looking at a range of medium-term proposals, we made it clear that we would consult widely both within the City and with other interested parties. This last weekend's measures were short-term and experimental under the Commissioner of City Police's powers.

On the longer term items, we have already embarked on a consultation process, having met more than 400 City businesses, and we shall continue it by consulting more widely within the City and with all those whose services are vital to its work and its environment. We shall consult them formally and we shall also hold a series of public meetings.

There will be no shortage of opportunities for people to give us their views.

Yours faithfully,


Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee

Corporation of London

London, EC2

5 July

(Photograph omitted)

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