Theresa May is steering Britain straight towards the rocks – and there’s no change of course in sight

In our series giving a glimpse of life at The Independent, deputy political editor Rob Merrick says there are three groups of potential rebels attempting to either find a different, entirely illusory channel, to force the PM to bow to the will of the ship – or to throw her overboard

Rob Merrick
Monday 17 December 2018 21:04 EST

Imagine a ship, its wheel gripped by a white-knuckled captain staring manically into the distance, ignoring shouts from crew and passengers to change course and avoid the terrifying rocks ahead.

The skipper – let’s call her Theresa – insists she can steer through a narrow channel to her destination and avert disaster. Everyone else on board can see only rocks. This is Brexit.

With just 101 days until the UK is due to leave the European Union, Westminster is braced for another week when the crunch question is: who is at the wheel?

With the prime minister ignoring all advice the strait she has spotted is a mirage is there any realistic prospect of a mutiny?

There are three groups of potential rebels, attempting to either find a different – entirely illusory – channel, to force the skipper to bow to the will of the crew – or to throw her overboard.

The last is Labour, which is threatening a vote of no confidence in the government which, if passed, would topple Theresa May, almost certainly in favour of a different Tory captain.

As The Independent revealed on Sunday, senior shadow cabinet ministers are begging Jeremy Corbyn to press the button now – if only to clear the way for a Final Say referendum on the Brexit outcome when he fails.

But the Labour leader didn’t get where he is today by making a brave, decisive move on Brexit, and has decided to stay firmly below deck

Fans of the fantasy alternative route to Brexit, who include key cabinet ministers, are arguing for something they call a “managed no-deal” – an exit with a series of hurried, micro agreements with the EU.

All you need to know is this course simply doesn’t exist and, anyway, its supporters lack the numbers to muscle the skipper aside.

That leaves the group demanding a show of hands, in the form of non-binding Commons votes on the various options and including a fresh referendum – a recognition the prime minister’s plan is already sunk.

They include big-hitters such as Philip Hammond, Amber Rudd and David Lidington, but there appears little chance of insurrection at Tuesday’s cabinet meeting.

Which all means, even when you are taking down your Christmas decorations next year, we will probably still be heading for the rocks.


Rob Merrick

Deputy political editor

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