Editorial: Savile's estate should be left to charity


Thursday 01 November 2012 21:00 EDT

Everything about Jimmy Savile's alleged activities is appalling: the sexual abuse itself, that so much of it may have taken place in supposedly safe environments such as the BBC or Stoke Mandeville Hospital, and that some around the TV presenter may have turned a blind eye.

It is right, then, that Savile's behaviour is fully investigated, along with that of any others involved in the abuse. Although the man himself is beyond retribution, it can only be hoped that public recognition of the suffering he caused will help ease the feelings of his many victims.

There may be justifiable claims against negligent institutions, but it is harder to see where the Savile estate fits in, not least since the money was otherwise willed to charity. And the rush for compensation, so soon after the first revelations were made, is far from edifying.

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