This week's wackiest web stories: Bringing sexy back (legally)

Plus: Sat nav Santa, the geek apocalypse and an alternative Christmas card list

Marie Winckler
Friday 21 December 2012 09:09 EST
Justin Timberlake during the Opening Ceremony for the 39th Ryder Cup on September 27, 2012 in Medinah, Illinois.
Justin Timberlake during the Opening Ceremony for the 39th Ryder Cup on September 27, 2012 in Medinah, Illinois. (Getty Images)

Bringing Sexy Back (legally)

Motorist Richard Catalano's five-year quest to crank up Justin Timberlake tunes on his way to work won the blessing of the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday.

Geek apocalypse

At the center of the rebel base where Luke Skywalker took off to destroy the Death Star and save his people from the clutches of Darth Vader, Guatemala is preparing for another momentous event: the end of an age for the Maya.

Bunker bash

Russians pay $1,000 for doomsday party in Soviet bunker

A mountain of cash

The residents of this Serbian mountain region are cashing in on their doomsday locale while they still can.

Ayatollah "likes" Facebook

Facebook - banned in Iran due to its use by activists to rally government opponents in 2009 - has an unlikely new member: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sex 'n' Death

A Guatemalan funeral home has decided that sex sells everything, including funerals.

Sat nav Santa

Santa Claus is comin’ to town, but you won’t be able to find him on your Google Maps. (Nope, not even the version that just came to iPhones).

Alternative Christmas card list

The 15 Most Dangerous People in the World

Third time lucky

Oceanside police are searching for an armed man who failed at three carjackings in a Target store parking lot Thursday afternoon.

Con Artist

Swedish Fredrik Saker paints driving licence picture

No more smashed smartphones

It's a momentary lapse that can cost hundreds. But the cracked screens that result from dropped iPhones could become a thing of the past thanks to an unlikely invention – an airbag for smartphones.

Raiders of the Lost postbag

Last week, a mysterious package arrived at the University of Chicago. Addressed to Henry Walton Jones Jr., the brown-paper-wrapped package featured Egyptian postage and was tied with old-fashioned string.

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