Rant & Rave: A bad week for a naked Sienna Miller, but a good one for Adele
A rumour went out last week that the artist Jonathan Yeo had made the front pages. Unfortunately, it turned out that only his painting of Sienna Miller naked was all over the papers (and more images of a naked Sienna Miller appeared in Vogue), while the artist himself seemed to be merely a footnote.
Now, obviously we’re all in favour of a woman controlling her own image, as well as getting a sniff of any money to be made from her nakedness instead of having it snatched by some old perv with a long lens. But still, is it all right to say: “Please, Sienna, put it away”?
Proof, as if any more were needed, that all those ads you get (if you’re a woman) on Facebook professing to offer the secret of “how pop star Adele lost two stone in three minutes!!!” are all a load of big fat lies. Last week, Adele confirmed that she’s a grown-up woman who has no time for the weight-loss bullies and is perfectly happy as she is. (As in successful, rich and a new mother – what’s not to like?) “I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn’t,” she says in a new biography. “I read a comment on YouTube that I thought would upset me – ‘Test pilot for pies’ – but I’ve always been fine with it.” There are still some sad old men, well past the top of their own games, who think that Adele’s dress size is their business (that’s you, Karl Lagerfeld), but fortunately she couldn’t seem to care less. Could we please have her on the front of every girls’ and women’s magazine, promoting the message that it’s better to be fab than to be skinny?
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