i Editor's Letter: Join us for our first ever iStudents debate


Oliver Duff
Monday 13 January 2014 20:00 EST

i is hitting the road. We recruit staff from most corners of the UK, but with a headquarters in London, there’s no substitute for getting out.

First stop, Cardiff. We’re going to meet student i readers there in two weeks, on Tuesday 28th January, for the first ever iStudents debate. Think Question Time with livelier scraps – and drinks served afterwards.

We love meeting readers. It’s impossible not to be infected by people’s enthusiasm and goodwill, and every time we’ve held a reader party the editors and writers leave beaming. “Did you meet the chap who drove from Glasgow in a cab?” “Yes! Legend.”

Joining me on the panel at the National Museum Cardiff will be Amol Rajan, Editor of The Independent, Lisa Markwell, Editor of The Independent on Sunday, Toni Pearce, President of the National Union of Students, and i’s Economics Editor, Ben Chu, author of the excellent Chinese Whispers. We’ll debate: “A generation of young people will never vote Conservative or Lib Dem because of this Government.” Our gladiators of rhetoric will clash swords at 6pm – and we’ll want to hear what the audience thinks, agree and disagree. I’m meant to be keeping order, apparently. Wish me luck.

After the debate there’s a chance to meet the team behind i in the bar. A namecheck in the Editor’s letter for anyone who manages to get our very own Katherine Jenkins, Deputy Editor Rhodri Jones, to sing “Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau”.

If you’re an undergraduate or FE student aged 18 and over, you can apply for a free ticket here: independent.co.uk/icardiffdebate. It’s first come, first served. A report and photographs from the night will appear in i the following day. Should make interesting reading for Mssrs Cameron and Clegg.


Twitter: @olyduff

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