Travel Departures: Chart toppers

Friday 10 June 1994 18:02 EDT

THE TOP TEN best-selling road maps:

1. Toscana 1:200,000 (Touring Club Italiano), pounds 5.95

2. Southern Spain 1:400,000 (Michelin no 446), pounds 3.25

3. Motoring Atlas France (Michelin), pounds 11.99

4. Zimbabwe 1:1,000,000 (Survey Department), pounds 5.95

5. Amsterdam 1:15,000 (Falk Plan), pounds 5.50

6. Crete 1:200,000 (Nelles), pounds 5.95

7. Jordan 1:730,000 (Geoprojects), pounds 6

8. Normandy 1:200,000 (Michelin no 231), pounds 3.25

9. The Gambia 1:300,000 (DOS), pounds 5.95

10. Portugal 1:400,000 (Michelin no 440), pounds 3.25

Information supplied by Edward Stanford Ltd, 12-14 Long Acre, London WC2E 9LP (071-836 1321).

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