My Life In Travel: Kerry Fox, actress

'New York made me feel that anything was possible'

Sophie Lam
Friday 30 October 2009 21:00 EDT
(Getty Images)

Actress Kerry Fox is appearing in 'Speaking in Tongues' at the Duke of York's Theatre in London until 12 December (

First holiday memory?

Our family went camping every summer. We would start off at Lake Taupo in New Zealand where we'd spend a few days before moving on to the beach. In Taupo we'd spend the evenings in the hot springs and the mornings in freezing cold lakes while my parents would just laze around. I remember eating tomato sandwiches. There'd be thunderstorms almost every night, it was really scary.

Best holiday

A boat trip that a group of about 10 of us took in the Myall Lakes, north of Sydney, for the New Year and a girlfriend's birthday. We barbecued our meal and swam with dolphins it was just fantastic.

Favourite place in the British Isles

Applecross. It was like going to a moonscape it was awesome and frightening and we swam in the freezing water there then ate oysters in the pub.

What have you learnt from your travels?

To take it easy and to go and see one piece of great art, then the next day have a little break and concentrate on what you're going to eat.

Beach bum, culture vulture or adrenalin junkie

I'm into wild swimming and water but I'm not a beach bum. I'd like to think I'm quite adventurous.

Ideal travelling companion

My best friend Stephanie. We've travelled a lot together and complement each other in what we want to do. I think we've got better at it over the years.

Where has seduced you?

New York. It made me feel young and it reminded me that anything is possible.

Worst travel experience?

When I first moved to Sydney I arrived at the airport from filming in Europe; Jane Campion was supposed to pick me up but I had told her the wrong day and my bags had been lost en route. I had no luggage, nowhere to stay and nobody to meet me.

Worst holiday?

It was a real adventure. Along with a co-star, I managed to write off a car en route to Mount Kenya. We had to abandon it and hitch a ride back to our location in the middle of the night in the bush.

Worst hotel?

A hotel that I stayed at the first time I went to LA. It was a chain in the middle of nowhere where UCLA is. I had no idea where I was and it wasn't near anything groovy or cool; fortunately my wise producer told me what to do and where to go though.

Best hotel?

La Mamounia in Marrakech the pool and the bar were particularly nice.

Favourite walk/ swim/ride/drive?

I love to swim across the bay at Bondi. Also we found a stream in the Scottish Highlands in a place called Achnasheen we wanted to get in it but we were really frightened to because it looked so deep and freezing. I finally jumped in and the water only went up to my waist.

Best meal abroad?

It would be an amazing restaurant in Tokyo under some railway arches. We didn't order anything they just delivered course after course and it ended up being about 16 courses and every single one complimented the last. It was the most extraordinary meal.

Favourite city?

At the moment it's Berlin, because the people are all so cool.

Where next?

I've got three months in London until Christmas. I was thinking I must get to Kew Gardens to see all the autumn leaves and do the treetop walk.

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