My Life In Travel: Duncan Bannatyne, entrepreneur, philanthropist and TV personality
'I've really fallen in love with Africa'
First holiday memory?
When I was a child we never went abroad, in fact we barely left Scotland. We used to go in the car to Saltcoats on the coast in Ayrshire for our holidays. I slept in what was called a hole in the wall, which was a cupboard with a bed in it and I remember it being quite exciting. The house was very near an abattoir so we'd see the sheep being herded in then hear the bangs. I have good memories of walking around the seaside and buying ice creams though.
Best holiday?
The Sandy Lane resort in Barbados. My wife Joanne and I had our honeymoon there and we went back for our anniversary about two years afterwards. We love it because there is a great gym and spa and things like waterskiing – it's all there for us.
Favourite place in the British Isles?
It's got to be the Lake District. It's superb because there's so much to do around there. There's nowhere you can't go and have a good time – there are lots of good walks and restaurants.
What have you learnt from your travels?
I've learnt an awful lot from my travels, particularly through charity work in Africa – it's all part of life's great tapestry.
Best travelling companion?
Joanne, of course. We have a few holidays together but most of the time we go to France with the children. You get to a certain age when you want to spend time with your family so we rarely go away on our own.
Beach bum, culture vulture or adrenaline junkie?
I'm an adrenalin junkie – I love anything from waterskiing to helicopter rides. I like going to places where there is activity and Africa is perfect for that; it's so beautiful and there's so much you can see whether it's waterfalls or animals. I will spend a bit of time on the beach, but then I go off to the gym or get in the sea.
Great travel luxury?
I only fly first class on holiday now, which is a phenomenal luxury. I like to sleep on a plane. I took my family skiing in Canada recently and we all flew first class, which cost a fortune but it was worth it.
Holiday reading?
Sometimes I like to read. If I'm on the beach at Sandy Lane my wife will always have a book for me. I really like thrillers.
Where has seduced you?
The place I've really fallen in love with is Africa. I love looking at animals and the way they live. I've been to Namibia, South Africa, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia. A lot of it has been through my charity work, touring with Sport Relief and also for holidays. I also made a film about smoking in Nigeria. It is an amazing continent.
Better to travel or arrive?
I prefer to arrive. I almost always sleep when I travel.
Worst travel experience?
It was in Africa. We were supposed to have a trip between two different countries and my little boy had really bad earache so we thought that instead of taking two flights we'd hire a jet. We were stuck at this tiny airport with no flight details and no airport lounge and it was incredibly hot and the kids weren't very well – it was a terrible experience.
Best hotel?
Sandy Lane. I really like the friendliness of the service, the great food and all the different amenities.
Best meal abroad?
The Cliff in Barbados is the most fantastic restaurant. It has the most amazing views and great food.
First thing you do when you arrive somewhere new?
I just chill. My wife organises everything, from the restaurants we eat in to where we're going. The only thing I do is check for an internet connection.
Dream trip?
I've been on it – a safari in South Africa.
Favourite city?
Edinburgh. If I lived there I wouldn't have a car, I'd walk everywhere because it changes so much as you walk through the city. There's fantastic architecture and natural beauty.
Where next?
I've got nothing planned but we want to take the kids to Australia. I haven't been for over 30 years and it'll be their first time, so we'd like to spend a few weeks travelling around.
Duncan Bannatyne's Seaside Rescue is on Virgin1 on Tuesdays at 9pm
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