Air shows aim for record-breaking 2010

Relax News
Thursday 31 December 2009 20:00 EST

After a depressed 2009, the international aviation market will be hoping for a rebound in 2010. As most aviation events are biennial, show organizers are looking at 2008 as the year to beat, when billions of dollars worth of deals were concluded at Farnborough, Berlin, Singapore and China.

Inaugural Bahrain Air Show
January 21 - 23
Devised as a sister event to the influential Farnborough Air Show, the Kingdom
of Bahrain and Farnborough International Ltd have constructed a purpose-built site for the inaugural show. Uniquely, the show has a restricted number of tickets and no exhibition halls - attendees visit luxury "chalets" owned by exhibitors to see products and demonstrations

Singapore Airshow
February 2 - 7
The Singapore Airshow welcomed 130,000 visitors and 800 exhibitors in 2008. Primarily a business-to-business event (only the final two days are open to the public), Singapore 2010 will feature a "Green Pavilion," showcasing the industry's efforts at clean aviation technology. The event is an aviation networking hub for Asia, with several airlines in the region placing orders in the range of billions of dollars.

Berlin International Aerospace Exhibition
June 8 - 13
The Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung (ILA) is the oldest in the world and ranked among the world's most important air shows and trade fairs. This year's event will be the centenary of the show, which attracts a heavy industry presence to unveil new models as well as enthusiasts from around the world. Last year, 241,000 people attended to view 330 aircraft from 1127 exhibitors.

Farnborough International Airshow
July 19 - 25
Farnborough is arguably the world's most important airshow for business. In 2008, $88.7 billion (over €60.2bn) worth of orders were announced at the show. A total of 165 civilian and military aircraft were on display for 285,636 guests, although the show is primarily aimed at business customers.

Royal International Air Tattoo
July 17 - 18
RIAT is the world's largest military air show, held in Gloucestershire in the UK. Over 170,000 visitors are expected to attend to see displays from over 300 military aircraft. RIAT is a spectator show.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
July 26 - August 1
The AirVenture Oshkosh is America's largest air enthusiast event. Attendance is estimated at over 700,000, with 10,000 - 15,000 aircraft on display. This makes the control tower the busiest in the world during the event - controllers are drafted in from across the US to safely marshall some 8000 landings.

Tankosh 2010
August 27 - 29
Tankosh is the European equivalent of America's Oshkosh aviation enthusiast gathering. The last event featured over 700 aircraft and hundreds of exhibitors.

Chinese International Air Show
November 16 - 21
Over 300,000 business and public visitors attended the 2008 show, which saw in excess of $5 bn (€3.39bn) worth of deals concluded amongst 600 exhibitors.

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