The world's most haunted hotels: Old castles and former jails where ghosts roam the halls
In honour of Halloween, we've tracked down seven of the spookiest stays on the planet

Chillingham Castle, Northumberland, UK
As somewhere that once regularly hosted executions, it’s no surprise this 12th-century castle is said to be home to several ghosts; it even offers ghost tours and visits to the former torture chamber. Supernatural sightings have included the White Pantry Ghost (a pale lady in search of water), while others have reported hearing voices in the chapel.
Doubles in the tower from £130, room only (
HI Ottawa Jail Hostel, Ottawa, Canada
This hostel in the heart of downtown Ottawa was established in the 1860s as a prison. Don’t be surprised if you wake up in the middle of the night to the ghostly presence of Patrick James Whelan – a prisoner who was hanged in 1869 but who’s said to appear at the end of guests’ beds clutching a Bible.
Single cells from £24, B&B (

The Lemp Mansion, St Louis (Missouri), US
Once famous for the beer that was brewed here, the Lemp Mansion was built in 1868, and local legend says it’s haunted by a number of past residents, including Zeke, the ex-owner William’s son. The hotel runs regular ghost hunting evenings, complete with infrared cameras.
Suites start at US$125 a night, room only (
The Shelbourne, Dublin, Ireland
One of the suites at this luxurious Dublin address is said to be haunted by the spirit of a little girl called Mary Masters, who died on this site in the 18th century. So many guests complained about the ghostly presence (and some are said to have run out screaming) that staff once spent the night in the room to check what was going on; one hotel worker emerged “as white as a sheet”.
Doubles from €258, room only (

Karosta Prison Hotel, LiepāJa, Latvia
Used as a military jail by Nazi, and later Soviet, soldiers, Karosta Prison is rumoured to be haunted by the thousands of inmates who died here. If that isn’t scary enough, guests can also spend a night being treated as a prisoner, but must sign a disclaimer in advance. Punishments include “physical exercises”, “cleaning work” and “expulsion”.
Singles from €15, room only (
The Place D’Armes Hotel, New Orleans, US
America’s Deep South is a region awash with ghost stories, and in New Orleans alone there are countless hotels that claim to be haunted. Built on the site of a school that burned down in 1788, Place D’Armes says it has the most supernatural activity of any hotel in the city, with many guests claiming to have spotted a bearded old man nodding at them before he faded away.
From £150 per night, B&B (

Lumley Castle, Durham, UK
The spirit of the former lady of the manor, Lily Lumley, has been spotted in this 14th-century castle. Two priests threw Lily down a well for refusing to convert to Catholicism, and now she apparently roams the corridors and rooms, along with another ghostly presence called Black Jack. Back in 2005, some members of the Australian cricket team were so spooked they refused to sleep on their own.
Doubles from £105, B&B (

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