Competition: Win a holiday by telling us about yours
WE know from our postbag that you love travelling by ferry and that many of you have visited lands where few tourists have gone before, but now we on the Weekend team would like to know a little more precisely where and how you spend your holidays, to help us gear our coverage to your needs.
As this is a request for help, we have added, thanks to Scandinavian Seaways, an incentive. Every fully completed entry will go into a hat (well, a box) and the lucky winner will set off on a nine-night holiday at a country cottage in Denmark or at the family holiday centre of Bork Havn.* The holiday includes accommodation for seven nights for a family of four and the return ferry crossing (including a cabin with lavatory and shower). Meals and insurance are not included. Three runners-up will win two-night minicruises to Esbjerg, Gothenburg or Hamburg, with cabins, breakfast and sight- seeing tour provided.
Please send your entries to Travel Questionnaire, the Independent, 40 City Road, London EC1Y 2DB. Entries for the prize draw must arrive by Monday 8 March.
* All prizes are subject to the availability of accommodation at the time of booking. Bank holidays and the period 15 June to 31 July are excluded and August is excluded from the minicruise break.
1. How many holidays (2 + nights) are you planning to take
this year?
2. Where do you plan to take your main holiday?
3. Do you plan to take your other holidays in the British Isles
or abroad?
4. Which of your holidays, if any, have you already booked?
Please answer questions 5-7 for your main holiday only
5. Do you plan to travel independently or buy a package?
6. If independently, how will you be travelling (eg by plane,
car, ferry, etc)?
7. Will you be staying full- or half-board, B & B or self-
8. Please tick if you would like more information about
Scandinavian Seaways holidays or ferries
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