Making your student loan last at university this year, 6 ways how

With the new university term upon us, the team at 16-25 Railcard has taken the liberty of compiling a quick and easy list of simple money-saving hacks to help your student loan stretch further

Rachael Heise
Friday 23 September 2016 12:09 EDT

1. Going out

There are lots of discount cards and vouchers out there, so going out doesn’t need to break the bank. Make sure you’re getting the biggest bang for your going-out buck by signing up to any discounts early and taking advantage of extra savings on student nights.

2. Shopping

Plan ahead and keep shopping trips to a minimum to prevent the cost of groceries skyrocketing. Writing shopping lists can save hundreds over a term, giving you more money to enjoy yourself, with reward cards providing access to extra discounts. As with the first point, take advantage of store vouchers and discounts; NUS extra cardholders, for example, can save ten per cent at the Co-op.

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3. Travel

While there’s plenty to do at the start of term, some of the best nights out can be had visiting friends in other towns and cities. Get your 16-25 Railcard early to cash in on savings and avoid missing out.

4. Books

The cost of course books and supplies can quickly rack up. Avoid expensive last-minute purchases by ordering online early and taking advantage of secondhand or nearly new offers. However, do make sure you check the edition. Likewise, you can make money on last term’s materials by selling them on to those taking the same course this year.

5. Bills

Getting a handle on weekly and monthly outgoings helps take the stress out of budgeting. Work out what your average bills are in a typical month, taking into account seasonal changes and with a little extra built in. This will help you understand what you have to spend and avoid unnecessary anxiety.

6. Don’t suffer in silence

If you do find you’re struggling financially, contact your university student support service who can provide practical advice and, in some cases, access to grants to help you keep on studying.

16-25 Railcard provides a third off rail travel. On average, cardholders save £187 per year. It costs just £30 for a full year, or £70 for three years and can be purchased here. NUS extra cardholders can save 12% on the cost of the 16-25 Railcard here

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