Social Media Editor, The Independent
The Independent is seeking a social media editor to work across the Independent’s digital channels and to manage day-to-day social publishing as well as provide social media training and guidance on best practice.
The Independent is a leading publication in the field of social media, with strong social connections across platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest. With an active community of journalists leveraging these platforms to drive traffic to the group’s websites, mobile sites and apps and build new audiences, we’re looking for an experienced social media professional and digital native who can balance the responsibility of publishing and that of training and oversight for the larger editorial teams.
Key responsibilities:
- Manage social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus amongst others
- Monitor journalists’ social media use, amplifying their individual accounts and feeding best practice back to them
- Assist with marketing activities
- Engage with digital audiences
- Weekly analytics and reporting on social media accounts and referrals.
- Report user feedback to relevant departments internally
- Liaise with the desks and content teams to foster social media awareness as part of overall content creation and curation.
Skills and Experience
- Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and/or other social software
- Copy-editing
- Experience managing brand social media accounts with significant audiences.
- Microsoft Office and Outlook
- Familiarity with web content management systems such as Escenic, Wordpress and Drupal
To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to by midnight on Friday 12 April.