We're loving... We're hating... We're buying...

Tuesday 10 March 2009 21:00 EDT

Loving... wind turbines

The Carbon Trust has launched a new online tool to help businesses and individuals who are considering installing a wind turbine calculate their carbon emissions and how much money they will save. It's been created using 30 years of data from the Met Office's 220 weather stations and is available at www.carbontrust.co.uk.

Hating... Mother's day

It's an annual struggle to find something fitting to buy the most important lady in your life. Luckily, on www.emmabridgewater.co.uk you will find everything you could possibly desire to appease your mum. Check out the chunky teapots and pretty glasses or get her something personalised by Ms Bridgewater.

Buying... Dot lights

Dot lights are identical to those used in overhead lighting, but they're moveable. The battery-powered LEDs can be attached using an adhesive or Velcro backing. There are a variety of different types, including a strip light, a spotlight and a waterproof light. They are all available from B&Q, priced at £4.98 each.

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