Pets' corner: How can I be sure my dog will come back?

Friday 07 March 2008 20:00 EST

I have a 4 year old Jack Russell/Welsh Springer cross. She is generally very obedient except on occasional walks when she refuses to come when called. She is not bothered by food, I would like to be able to take her on a variety of different walks and be sure that she will return. Can you help please?
Joy Marshall, Isle of Wight

It is so frustrating having an almost perfect dog, but the one thing they let you down on is coming back when called. It is so embarrassing when they ignore you! The thing you've got to work out with your dog is what motivates her. Obviously, it is not food. So when you go out for walks, take her favourite toy. Ideally, this should be an interactive toy so you can play together, ie, a ball on a rope. Remember: you and your dog are going for a walk together and she is not going on her own! As I've mentioned in previous columns, a training line would be ideal. When you go for your walk, put her on the long line and only give her a few feet of line. Start walking, always making sure that she is following you and not the opposite. When she looks at you, get the toy and have a game with her, which should be short and quick. Remember not to give the toy to her, otherwise you have no reward to give her. If the walks are more exciting for her, she will certainly be more inclined to stay close to you!

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