Gardening for the 'iPod generation'

Saturday 11 September 2010 19:00 EDT
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Luxury sports car brand Lamborghini has licensed out the brand to IKRA to design a series of chic garden tools under the name Tonino Lamborghini.

The range of Tonino Lamborghini garden tools includes electric chainsaws, hedge trimmers, cordless shears, and cordless grass trimmers all of which were exhibited at the Spoga Gafa trade show held in Cologne September 5-7.

The sleek and chic tools pay homage to the design aesthetics of Lamborghini's famous cars and were designed to appeal to members of the younger generation who may consider gardening uncool or unsexy.

Another luxury car manufacturer Porsche also previously ventured into the outdoor realm with the creation of a barbecue grill and an electronic multi-hammer tool.

The British Association of Garden Designers has previously suggested that if nothing was done to make gardening more trendy, then future generations would no longer take it up as a hobby. It is hoped that aesthetically pleasing and functional garden products such as these will reverse the declining interest in gardening and encourage the so-called "iPod generation" to take up horticulture as a hobby.

Spoga Gafa 2010 attracted over 2000 garden product suppliers from all over the world including China and Japan; the next Spoga Gafa exhibition will be held in September 2011.

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