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Bradley declares for White House: His Winning Points

Wednesday 08 September 1999 18:02 EDT

Five reasons why Bradley could beat Gore for the Democratic nomination:

1) The non-Gore candidate: As the sole Democratic challenger, he unites anti-Gore/Clinton sentiment in the party.

2) The non-Washington candidate: Despite 18 years in the Senate, he retained his ties with the grass roots and denounced the money-led system when he left.

3) Personal celebrity: Known and admired coast to coast and across racial groups as an Olympic gold medallist, basketball star and gentleman.

4) Integrity: No links with Clinton, no Chinese money; middle America as it wishes it were.

5) Too nice to debate? Gore may find it hard to deploy his killer debating skills against someone as respected as Bradley.

Five reasons why Bradley could beat George W Bush for the presidency:

1) Birth and money are not everything: Bush's inherited wealth and record money-raising could trigger a backlash.

2) ... nor is sheen: Bush's touchy-feely slickness may prove counter-productive. Bradley looks and sounds like a "regular guy" despite his $5m personal wealth.

3) ... but directness could be: No redefining of "is" for Bradley; no clamming up about drugs, no tailoring of positions to suit the audience.

4) More experience: He has won more elections, passed more laws and seen more life than Bush.

5) New priorities: The appeal of tax cuts is no more; education and health top the list of voters' concerns.

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