Mother issues supermarket trolley warning after baby suffers horrific brain injury
Mother says ‘all shopping trolleys with child restraints need to have a braking system in place’
A woman in Australia shared her ordeal on social media to warn other mothers after her child, who was seated in a shopping cart, hit her head on the pavement when the trolley rolled off the curb and tipped.
The unidentified woman shared a harrowing photo of her daughter Millie on the CPR Kids account on Instagram, which claims to give out paediatric first-aid education.
The photo showed her daughter, whose age was not specified, in bandages and hooked on to several life-saving machines.
The mother went on to explain how the accident happened. She wrote that as she was putting her son, Lincoln, in the car while her daughter Millie was seated in a shopping cart, the cart “blew off the curb and tipped”.
She continued: “It took all of two seconds … for it to happen.”
Millie hit her head on the pavement and was rushed to the hospital. The CT scan revealed a “large brain bleed causing pressure on her brain”. She was “prepped immediately” for an operation.
The distressed woman added: “Sedated, intubated and rushed, [with] lights and sirens, to the Brisbane children’s hospital, where she was rushed straight into emergency brain surgery.”
Luckily, Millie is now “doing amazing”, and a follow-up scan revealed that her brain is “looking good”.
She added that all “shopping trolleys with child restraints need to have a braking system in place”. She has pledged to “make this happen”.
“If I can do this and it stops just one child from being injured then it will be a success,” the mother said.
CPR Kids wrote that “we know so many parents rely on trolleys to keep their little ones restrained in carparks – in the same way, that Millie’s mum describes here. Especially parents who are trying to get multiple children into their car safely.”
They continued: “This really could happen to anyone.”
Millie, meanwhile, is now home, the mother reported.
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