Panda porn finally gets Yongyong and 'clueless and unenthusiastic' Ke Lin in the mood
Researchers show reluctant couple footage of pandas lustily mating
Despite repeated encouragement by researchers, special 'sexercise' classes and plying them with viagra, Yongyong and his mate, five-year-old Ke Lin, were reluctant to join in with a breeding scheme at a Chinese research centre.
That was until researchers hit on the idea of showing the couple footage of pandas lustily mating in the wild.
According to the South China Morning Post cheers erupted at the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding last week when Yongyong finally mated with reluctant Ke Lin.
Initially, Ke Lin, who was described as 'clueless and unenthusiastic', rejected Yongyong's approaches and researchers became concerned that she would miss her annual estrous cycle which only lasts for three days.
However, after showing Ke Lin video footage of pandas mating in the wild, the couple finally mated.
"Every time Yongyong tried to mount her Ke Lin fought him off and we were worried she was going to miss her three-day breeding cycle," said a spokesman.
"So we played them the film and she took great interest in it. After that there was no stopping her and they mated successfully.
"In the wild, Ke Lin would have seen lots of other pandas mating but in captivity, it's no wonder she needed help."
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