Hunter Biden’s wife eviscerates ex-Trump aide at gun trial: ‘Nazi piece of s***’

During trial break, Melissa Biden confronted a right-wing former staffer who has ties to the Hunter Biden laptop controversy

Ariana Baio
Tuesday 04 June 2024 19:31 BST
Hunter Biden: Opening statement delivered in gun trial

Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, got into a heated confrontation with a former Trump White House aide during a brief recess at her husband’s trial on federal gun charges, according to an NBC News report.

In the hallway of the J Caleb Boggs Federal Building on Tuesday, Melissa allegedly confronted Garrett Ziegler – who Biden is currently suing for his alleged role in publishing emails and photos from Biden’s laptop.

Upon seeing Ziegler, Melissa approached him and pointed her finger in his face, loudly saying, “You have no right to be here you Nazi piece of s****.”

Ziegler apparently did not respond before Melissa walked away.

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, arrives at the federal court with his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, during the second day of his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 4, 2024.
Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, arrives at the federal court with his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, during the second day of his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., June 4, 2024. (REUTERS)

He later told NBC News, “It’s sad I’ve been sitting here the whole time and haven’t approached anyway.”

He added, “For the record, I’m not a Nazi, I’m a believer in the U.S. Constitution. I haven’t said one thing to them.”

Ziegler worked in the White House under Trump adviser Peter Navarro as a staffer, and gained notoriety for his outspoken criticism of Biden.

Much of Ziegler’s post-White House life has consisted of digging into Biden’s financial records and personal life to publish allegedly incriminating or embarrassing details via his nonprofit website Marco Polo. He once admitted to being “obsessed” with “studying the [Biden] family” to The Washington Post.

Ziegler’s website was central to the circulation of embarrassing photos, videos, emails and more that he allegedly found on Biden’s laptop.

Last year, Biden filed a lawsuit against Ziegler and 10 others, accusing them of illegally obtaining emails, photos, videos and recordings from his laptop and publishing them. In addition to that lawsuit, Biden’s friend who loaned him millions of dollars, Kevin Morris, also sued Ziegler for harassment and doxing.

Ziegler told NBC News on Tuesday that the lawsuits were “frivolous” and urged Biden to “focus on paying his attorneys.”

When asked why he was attending the trial, Ziegler told the news outlet it was “prudent” for him to be there.

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