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MSNBC airs 80-second supercut of Trump’s racist remarks over the past 30 years

Video shows Mr Trump making birther claims about Barack Obama, telling Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

Graig Graziosi
Thursday 29 October 2020 16:52 EDT
MSNBC airs supercut of Trump's racist remarks from the past 30 years

A devastating 80-second montage of Donald Trump making racist remarks was aired by a TV news network before the host asked voters: "Are you for or against this?"

The MSNBC video begins with Mr Trump's comments made about the Central Park Five case, in which he called for five black and Hispanic teens were charged and found guilty of beating and raping a woman jogging in Central Park in 1989. Ultimately it was discovered that they were wrongfully accused.

Mr Trump took out a full page ad in the New York City newspaper calling for the death penalty to be reinstated and to "bring back our police" two weeks after the attack. Even after the real killer came forward in 2002, Mr Trump refused to apologise for demonising the teens. He called a documentary made about the case a "one sided piece of garbage" because he believed it should have involved the alleged crimes that the young men committed.

Later in the video, it focuses on Mr Trump's championing of the racist birther conspiracy theory against former President Barack Obama. Mr Trump claimed that Mr Obama was not born in America, and even after Hawaii verified Mr Obama's birth certificate, he claimed many people did not believe the birth certificate was legitimate.

The video then jumps forward to Mr Trump during his first year in office when he put the Muslim travel ban in place.

After that, Mr Trump is shown refusing to condemn David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan during an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.

Then Mr Trump is shown at a campaign rally pointing to someone in a crowd and saying "Look at my African American over here" before it cuts to Mr Trump trying to justify his border wall with Mexico and speaking critically of US District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his "Mexican heritage."

The video later shows Mr Trump making his infamous "very fine people on both sides" comment following the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia where far-right wing individuals - including KKK members and neo-Nazis - marched in support of a Confederate statue. A far-right protester killed a counter-protester with a car during that event.

After that, Mr Trump is shown speaking on immigration, asking why "all these people from s***hole countries come here?" The Mr Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, is seen testifying that Mr Trump asked him to name a country ran by a black person that wasn't a "s***hole."

Mr Trump is then quoted as saying people who are foreign born in the US should "go back where they came from" before the president's niece, Mary Trump, is asked by MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow if she has heard her uncle use the n-word.

"Yeah," she replies.

The video ends with Mr Trump telling the Proud Boys, an SPLC designated hate group, to "stand back and stand by" when asked about them during the first presidential debate of the 2020 US election

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