The first LGBT pride flag has been launched into space
Planting Peace recently launched the flag in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Advocates at Planting Peace recently launched the first known Pride flag into space and have captured the footage with a GoPro.
Last month, the flag was launched in Milwaukee, Wisconsin reaching 21.1 miles above the earth’s surface.
“It was an honor to send the first Pride flag into space, and it provided a wonderful opportunity to show that Planting Peace will not stop fighting for LGBTQ rights until all sexual and gender minorities experience full, fundamental rights in every corner of the universe,” Aaron Jackson, President of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post.
“The backdrop of space gave us a stunning, inspiring and peaceful canvas for our message of hope to our LGBTQ family. I would love for LGBTQ children who are struggling to see this, and look up to the stars and remember that the universe shines brightly for them, and they are not alone.”