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New York snow storm: See how Brooklyn looked the morning after the 'blizzard'

New York was spared the worst of Winter Storm Juno

Payton Guion
Tuesday 27 January 2015 16:05 EST
A man clears his stoop in Bay Ridge on Tuesday morning.
A man clears his stoop in Bay Ridge on Tuesday morning.

With Winter Storm Juno bearing down on New York on Monday afternoon, I was among the workers sent home early in hopes of avoiding the blizzard. By 3 pm, the streets were already partially deserted – and partially snow-covered – and the subways were rush-hour crowded.

It seemed what the governor, mayor and meteorologists had told us – that we would be hit with a historic blizzard overnight Monday – was coming to fruition. I went home, hit the gym, then hunkered down and waited for the storm.

Only thing was, it never really hit. We got some snow, about 8 inches in the Bay Ridge neighbourhood of Brooklyn. But no crippling snowfall. No blizzard conditions that prevented you from finding your way home if you ventured into the mess. See the photos below of what Brooklyn looked like the morning after Winter Storm Juno. Full disclosure: it looks a lot like Brooklyn after a regular-old snow.

On Tuesday morning, I woke up to reports saying that New York had been passed over by the worst of the blizzard. Some areas on Long Island and north of the city got close to 2 feet of snow, but it appears that all the precautions taken in New York were nothing more.

I’m all for taking step to ensure the public is prepared and safe ahead of a storm, but my 20-20 hindsight is telling me that shutting down the entire transit system – the first time that was done due to snow, according to several reports – may have been a bit of overkill.

Follow Payton Guion on Twitter @PaytonGuion.

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