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Gore will not run for White House in 2004

Andrew Buncombe
Sunday 15 December 2002 20:00 EST

The former American vice-president Al Gore ended months of speculation last night when he said he would not be making another bid for the White House in 2004.

Mr Gore, 54, had been ambivalent about his political future since losing the 2000 contest by the narrowest of margins to President George Bush. But in the past week, Mr Gore had been somewhat more visible and vocal, leading some observers to think he was preparing to announce his candidacy.

Instead, he told the US television news show 60 Minutes last night that while he personally still had the energy and ambition to make another bid, he had concluded it would not be the correct thing for him to do.

"I've decided that I will not be a candidate for President in 2004," he said. "I think the current policies have to be changed. I think that my best way of contributing to that result may not be as a candidate this time around."

Mr Gore's decision appears to be based on his realisation that while he may have been ready to challenge again for the White House, many in the Democratic Party wished to see a new face take on President George Bush.

His decision not to stand opens the field to others, including his former running mate Senator Joe Lieberman, the Senate Democrat leader, Tom Daschle, and the Massachusetts senator John Kerry.

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